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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

It's a veritable downpour!

Y'know, I wouldn't be surprised if you were tired of the really bad "it's raining"-type post titles that I keep putting up, every time I write about Sixty Percet Chance of Rain.

Too bad. I like bad puns.

At any rate, my wisdom teeth are coming out tomorrow.

Let's think about this:
[topomax] + [percaset] = I'll be stoned for a while.

And I hear you asking, *But, Laukaisyn, what does that have to do with Sixty Percet Chance of Rain?* It's actually quite simple. I'll be so amazingly out of it that I won't be able to get Sixty Percet Chance of Rain up on Friday. Which is why I'm putting it up now.

On Wedneday.




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