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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

First of all...

Allright, I'm going to let the lot of you in on a little secret.

I have no emotional attachment to the Incorporated Villiage of Nowheresville.

I am aware that I probably should feel something -- but I don't.

Nothing for the villiage as a whole; nothing for the high school; nothing even for the individual sections, divided by elementary schools, of Nowheresville.

I don't know. I mean, this isn't just the sort of thing I'm just blindly posting. I've been thinking about this since I posted my Road Trip Diary to Maryland. And that was in March.

Y'know, not for anything, but I can tell you all kinds of inane trivia about how Nassau County was formed -- in 1898, because the eastern, rural half of Queens county didn't wanted to be incorporated into the city. And there was a great deal of bitterness, and bickering, until the governor stepped in, and made it (Nassau) it's own county. And, I could tell you about how Nowheresville was originally settled in 1667, by Quakers escaping religious persecution, but we didn't officially get our firehouse or post office until 1882.

But that's beside the point. That's random trivia. I mean, that's up there with the history of the handkerchief. That's the kind of thing that no one really cares about -- including me.



  • ... yet, at the very last minute, as you were driving off into the sunset of your future, you blurted out...

    I Love This School

    ... happy trails laukaisyn, happy trails to you...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/16/2005 11:13 AM  

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