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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

We need a sense of humor, yes?

If you don't like it, well, then your fun meter is obviously broken.

"...from the Liberal wieners, to the Right-wing nu-ut jobs..."


And actual interchange between Dad and I: "You think she'll like the wallpaper?"
"...she'd better."

"...and the natives are holding up signs!"

Painting. Wall-papering. And the stereo, needless to say, is plugged in, still. We're working around it. The burlapy-rubbery wallpaper stuff looks really, really good. I didn't do it. Dad did.

Anyway, as we paint, repaint, wait for it to dry, and wallpaper sections of the "studio", we're listening to talk radio.

And Kerry has arrived in Boston on a Swiftboat, with what is (apparently) his old crew. Rush Limbaugh had a grand ol' time today.

Not quite verbatim, best I could do:
"And Capt. Kerry and his crew have arrived in Saigon! It seems to have been a peaceful mission... He has taken this land without firing a shot! He didn't need bullets, he did it with a microphone!... And the natives are holding up signs, that say 'Kerry for President'!"

So... yeah.

And according to Mr. Limbaugh's website, the actual audio of him saying that should be up by, like, 6:30 eastern-standard time. Just incase you'd like to hear it for yourself.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Thought for the day.

USA Today has come out with a new survey:

Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population.

Friday, July 23, 2004


I can't move.

I sat down, to take a break. We're emptying all of the stuff out of the Studio, so we can/paint/wallpaper/redecorate.

So, like I said, I sat down. In the chair. In front of the computer. To check my email.

I have two large, furry cats in my lap.

I can't move.


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Two and a half years?!

Over in Iraq, there are Guardsmen and Reservists who aren't actually getting paid. They say it'll take two and a half years to straighten out this mess. One woman, over in Iraq, just found out that her parents took out a mortgage on their house, to pay her bills, while she's abroad. Does this sound right?

So Congress is making all kinds of noise now. The pity of it is, they won't actually accomplish anything.

They very rarely do.

If the prefix "pro" is good, and the prefix "con" is bad, and "con" is generally considered the opposite of "pro"... what does that suggest about "progress" and "congress"?

Sorry. I had to do that.

Monday, July 19, 2004


Running Mac OS X?

1. Put this on your desktop background.

2. Watch people try to click "OK".

Originally uploaded by Laukaisyn.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


First off, an expalnation. My room is acid green, with orchid trim. I've got a loft bed against one wall -- a bunk bed lacking the second bunk.

Well, after a day of cleaning, I can see the floor. There's a chunk of floor near the door, and stretching out to the area under the bed. Then, there's a path stretching from the chunk, to the ladder for the bed.

It's like, wow. By the time I get back to school, my room might actually be clean.

And I'm kind of working on Sixty Percent. Sort of.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I have a goat.

That was just a random comment from an English teacher about politics. That's all.

I heard the funniest thing. Laura Ingraham has dubbed the Kerry/Edwards ticket "Flip-flop and Mop-top".
(But, there again, any candidate who's list of qualifications includes "...and we have better hair," shouldn't be taken all too seriously.)

Don't get me wrong. I just think that there are serious credability issues when the candidate for Vice President -- who will become President, should anything happen to him -- is known to the masses as "Silky Pony".

And, if I hear another reference to Halliburton in the same sentence as Cheney's name, I'm going to get quite violent.

This is exactly as it was explained to me, almost word-for-word:

Once, there was this country, who faught in World War II. Their army was so powerful, that they could send their army any where in the world, and they would have the ships and airplanes to support it. After the War, all of their enemies decided that they didn’t want to do this anymore. So the people of that country decided that instead of funding a military that could support itself, they should just give money to people who have never worked a day in their lives, so that they’ll get re-elected. And then, when the next war came, they had no support for the military, and had to hire external contractors to get food and supplies to the military.

Halliburton has to be in the Middle East right now. They need to get food/water/supplies to the troops. Plus, the other company there to do all of this, A. G. Edwards, said that Iraq is too dangerous for them, and they’ll have to pull out. Halliburton is going to hire more people to take over where A. G. Edwards left off.

So shut your traps and quit complaining.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

"Have we really gone down this much? I mean, as a society?"

The answer, in my eyes, anyway, is yes.

As much as I complain about the mall, I still always find myself going back.

I don't know why, but I do.

You know, it's quite punny in a way -- "mall" and "maul" -- but it's still one of those things that ends up becoming an "outing".

Anyway, my mom asked me, at the conclusion of the school year, what I wanted as a "moving up" present, as I managed to pass all of my classes, including Advanced Placement Chemistry.

I said, "Why don't we do a day trip to the mall?"

Well, here's my problem: they ruined the mall.

Now, when I refer to “them”, I am speaking specifically of the trendoids. I know, I make that sound like something out of a bad sci-fi movie, but it’s true.

When I go to the mall, there are certain stores I avoid. The “trendy” clothing stores. It’s not that they’re bad stores; I just don’t like the clothes they sell.

One of my favorite stores in the mall was a store called F.Y.E. (“For Your entertainment”). They had everything. Obscure Role Playing Video Games, Anime, Manga, Movies, Music of every genre -- they had it all. Anyway, they went and renovated their store. So, my mom and I went in to see what it was like.

The guy at the door gave us some coupons and flyers. I walk over to the anime “section” -- it was really only one shelving unit running half the length of the store -- to see if they have any manga. (Manga is, for lack of a better description, Japanese comic books, usually in the form of graphic novels.) I don’t see any. So my mom walks over, and asks the girl, “Do you have any graphic novels?” The girl replies, “You mean like books? To read?” So I cut in with, “You know, Manga?” ...and her eyes sort of glaze over. “It looks like a novel, but it’s really comics. It’s like the anime,” I declare, pointing at the shelf behind me. “Oh, those. We sent those back. We don’t sell those anymore.”

So we walked out. And mom literally threw the coupons back at the guy. She thrust them back into the little pile in his hand.

...and that’s just the one store.

Over the past couple of months, all of the stores in which I used to shop; the stores in which I could wander aimlessly looking at merchandise... they’ve all gone mainstream. They’ve all sold out.

Non-conformists are really conformists; they conform to not conforming.