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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Wrap your brain around that one, Grasshopper.

Yesterday, I became the Vice-President-by-Default of the Photography club. What does that mean, you ask? That means that no one bothered to run against me.

Also, the fall Pep Rally -- which does an exceptionally poor job of rallying Pep -- is tomorrow. That means that all of the periods are shortened (sound familiar?), the school day technically ends around 1:20 in the afternoon, and we sit in the gym 'til three, watching the jocks, jockettes, cheerleaders and other sports-related individuals prance around the gym.

Kathryn (of Sixty Percent semi-fame) and I are skipping it all together. This is, believe it or not, the first time I will have ever cut a class. Ever. (Yeah -- we have nine periods, and your ninth period teacher can legally write you up for a cut if you don't go. But my teacher doesn't mind, and Kathryn almost never goes.)

I feel so... rebellious. Like, I should get a black leather jacket, or something.

Also, I'm leaving the comment section on, for a change.

Say something.


  • Grasshopper? Grasshopper. Well, at least us few and sad vigilants of your blog were not referred to as cicadas. I hate those things.

    Of course no one ran against you. In most respects, you are insane. There is no denying of this fact. You just are. And no one runs against an insane person. I have yet to figure out why. Maybe they think that the said insane person would figure out some way to gather the favor of the populous? Or that if they lose, they would take revenge? Or maybe it's just because everyone loves a crazy person - one that isn't wielding any weaponry anyway.

    Moving on.

    Prancing is certainly adequate to describe the mind-numbingly boring presentation that they put on for us. But it makes sense. After all, how else are they going to get us to actually observe our school's athletes? It isn't as if many people go to the games. I've never been to one in my entire high school career.

    Why? Because I simply just don't give a damn. And Marc has trained me well in the art of skipping the pep rally. Very well. I think he had only been to two of them. And he's no James Bond - though the thought of my older brother in a suit and using various gadgets to sneak out of the school, quite possibly having to revert to violence against armed teachers with a mastery of kung-fu, is quite amusing.

    It isn't that rebellious. I've done it nearly all the time. Am I rebellious? (*imagines image of self, punk/gothic/whatever the look is*) I don't see it. But it has always been a desire of mine to have a black leather jacket. Or at least a cool trenchcoat.

    It's about time you left it open. Now I can give you a response. I've said my piece. There you go.

    From the ever-rebellious and free spirit of mischief-making,


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/26/2004 12:14 PM  

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