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Friday, February 25, 2005

For the record, I don't hate the mall.

That's right. It's not just the mall that I hate. It's clothes shopping in general that I hate.

I would've blogged about the experience, but I kinda needed to get over it first.

It was just that painful.

My dragged me out for a suit, for an interview, for a scholarship. *(You can see where this is going.)*

See, here's my problem: I'm just tall enough to not fit properly into "Petite" sizes. And I'm just small enough to have issues with the regular sizes. When I do find the right size, it's usually a four.

I'm the girl that goes to the "Tall Girl" shop, because, like, the sleeves on the suit jackets are just long enough... even though I'm going to have to have the trousers tailored, to get rid of the extra six inches of fabric.


I also have issues with shoes.

So we decided that, since I've really liked this one pair of shoes in Banana Republic, for the past three months, we'd finally get them; and then get a nice pants suit to go with it. (We've tried doing it the other way around. That doesn't work.) So, we got the shoes -- in good *(expensive)* shoes, I'm a seven-and-a-half. In crappy shoes, I can go up to a nine. Go figure.

Then, after getting the shoes, we left the mall, and went to the afforementioned "Tall Girl" shop. They don't carry my size; the smallest size they carry is a six. It would have to be special-ordered. ("She's built like a cricket!"). But they did find a nice pair of size-four slacks that they had from a while ago. They have to be hemmed, but now I have a pair of black pin-stripe slacks.

We went back to the mall *(big mistake)*. Macy's and Penney's were just plain freaky *(I honestly can't tell the difference between the two)*. We tried juniors in both... one had nothing even remotely resembling western business attire, and the other had one suit. One. In black, gray, or beige. And it was really ugly, two. Ladies' suits were just... freaky. They looked like something Barbie would wear. We tried Nordstrom's, which was actually disappointing; and we tried somewhere else, too. No luck.

Then, we went to Syms. "I feel like I'm wearing someone else's clothes. Is that bad?"

Yeah. I was delerious. It was not fun.



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