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Monday, March 07, 2005

I @m teh mast3r!

For any one that's keeping score at home: I'm enrolled in college, I got an academic scholarship, I'm up for a second one, that I had to do the interview for.

I'm also in their Honors' Program. I just found out.

I never told you the story of the Honors application. I wasn't supposed to, but, since it has a nice, happy ending, I'm going to recount the story.

Let me start by saying this: All applications have to be processed through Pupil Personnel Services (otherwise known as "guidance"). They told me this two weeks before my early decision application was due. They also told me to hand in my application(s) up to a week early.

So I walk in with both of two applications: One, for the Universty of Maryland, Baltimore County. The second, for the Honors College within UMBC. The get mailed seperately because they're in two different offices.

I also went to all of the teachers that I wanted letters of recomendations from, and, as they all know the procedure, they simply gave them to my Guidance councelor. I handed my Guidance Councelor a list of which letters went with which application.


She mailed them out.

All of a sudden, I get a letter from the Honors office, saying I was missing a letter. So, I went to the Guidance Councelor, and she said, very calmly, that she didn't send one of them out, because it was three sentences long. It was entirely insubstantial. It would have hurt me.

But why didn't she tell me?

Well, it was confidential. She couldn't tell me. She didn't even show me the letter.

Of course, there are only two readers of this blog that know which Guidance councelor of the six I was assigned to, and which teacher wrote the letter. And that's becuase they go to school with me. I told them flat out, even though I'm not really supposed to tell anyone.

So, yeah.

Two phone calls, three apologetic emails, and a replacement letter later, I got in.

Which my guidance councelor was pretty happy about.



  • Oh, and the other really cool thing: The mandatory honors college orientation is Prom night!

    How awesome is that? I don't have to go to the prom anymore!

    By Blogger Kinezumi-Risu, at 3/07/2005 4:47 PM  

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