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Monday, May 02, 2005

Hi. I'm back.

As some of you may have figured out by now, I'm very easily entertained.

Mac OS X Tiger has this really cool new feature called "widgets". Of course, I sat, and set up my side, with my own widgets. I have the weather for the week, for both New York and Baltimore, and a calender, and the time, and stickies -- I'll get to them later -- and iTunes, and the Hula dancer.

Yes, the Hula dancer. She dances.

At any rate: Stickies. Some of you don't know what that is.

I'll tell you.

"Stickies" is a small application that comes with the system, that acts as a Post-It Note® for you to use on your computer.

Now, you have to realize something. I've always had a Mac. The first time I was every truly aware of Macintosh as an operating system, (as opposed to, say, Windows), was when mom decided to upgrade from Mac seven-point-whatever to OS 8. That was a big deal. Oooooh. Wow.

On a "classic" Mac -- everything before OS X (up to 9.2.2) -- Stickies was easy to find. You click on the Apple menu, drag it down to something else -- I don't remember at this point, but it doesn't matter -- and it was right there. Along with calulator. And Key Caps (which told you where all of the funky symbols and tildes and accents and umlauts were on the keyboard). And this is back when they gave you the jigsaw puzzle.

But, in OS X, Stickies was just another application.

I mean, you might as well get a real Post-It Note® and stick it to you monitor.

But now, with Tiger, Stickies has been vindicated.

Y'know, I'll bet it was a heinous plot between the 3M corporation and Apple. But then, shortly before Tiger came out, the developers at Apple revolted against the evil tyranny of 3M.

And they returned Stickies to its rightful prominence.



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