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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

This is a letter to the innocent little seventh grader who is assigned locker #1202

Okay. When I was in the seventh grade, I had no idea what was going on around me. I had just come up from one of the grade schools, and Nowheresville Memorial was just so freaking massive.

The upperclassmen were massive. The teachers were massive. The school itself was massive.

At any rate, I was rather randomly assigned locker number 1202. I opened it up, and I found two Pink Floyd stickers stuck in the back. *(One was taken out two years ago; the Custodians opened up all the lockers in that hallway after a fire in an art room, and cleaned all of the soot out of those lockers. The sticker for Dark Side of the Moon came off then.)* A large chunk of the left wall of the locker has been colored black, with a magic marker -- but there are boxes that have been left blank. Y'know, like, whover was there after the one with the Pink Floyd stickers colored in around his stickers, but had the decency to take his stickers out.

Okay. That's the locker I've had for the past 6 years.


Okay, skip to today: I was cleaning it out -- Kathryn was helping -- when it suddenly occured to me that I needed to leave something for whoever had that locker next. I searched the floor *(that's where everything was -- I just pulled everything out, onto the floor)* but I only saw my old notes, and my purse... and the only thing I had in my purse was a silver Sharpie™.

*(Now, I'll be the first to admit that this is vandalism, but it's no worse than the guy who had that locker before me, with the black magic marker.)*

I wrote, in silver letters, on the black parts, on the inside, lefthand wall, in my freaky, stalker-like, blocky handwriting, DON'T WASH ME AWAY MY LEGACY IS ALREADY DEAD.



  • The other thing I'd like to touch on... earlier this year, someone thought it would be cool to steal my lock. Now, I liked that lock, and it was dependable. If you stumble on a lock that's just out-of-place, do me a favor, and check to see if the combination is 36-38-4. I'm just curioous as to what happened to it.

    By Blogger Kinezumi-Risu, at 6/15/2005 9:57 PM  

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