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Sunday, May 30, 2004

It has to be said

First off, I want to point out that May 30 is the official Decoration Day -- you know, Memorial Day. Today.

I'd also like to point out that the parking lot of the local Mall was full. On Memorial Day. On a Sunday. One one hand, it's depressing, but on the other hand, it's good to know they're not getting drunk in a friend's backyard. (There again, they've got tomorrow, too.)

Quick poll for the comments section: How many of you went (or will go tomorrow) to the cemetary? Not even a National cemetary -- I'm not saying you have to make a pilgrimage to Arlington -- but just, wherever you've got relatives buried. Just a quick poll. Comments section.

Yeah. That's all I've got to say right now, but someone had to say it.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Phone number in the Rye

I need you to imagine this for a moment. I'm sitting in English, and we're taking our final exam for Catcher in the Rye. Our teacher is at the front of the room, watching us.

Another teacher walks by the room, and asks the teacher, "Hey, can you give me a ride tomorrow?" Our teacher says, "Sure, but you have to call me, around six, and remind me." The other teacher says that's fine, and asks if he (our teacher) still has the same number.

Our teacher says, "Yeah," and then proceeds to ask the other teacher to call his home line -- and gives the teacher his home number.

Our teacher turns, faces us, and demands to know why we were laughing.

That was yesterday. Today, he told us that he went to every desk, and erased his phone number from them. One desk had his number written repeatedly, and about three others had his number prefixed with "for a good time, call".

Yeah. We're cruel.

By the way, I got an 85 on the Catcher in the Rye test.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Insert geekish laughing here.

Two atoms are sitting in a bar, drinking. So, finally, they decide to leave. They're thoroughly sloshed and can barely walk straight. So, they're walking down the street, and one says to the other, "I think I left my electron in the bar."

"Are you sure?" The other asks.

"Yes," the first replies, "I'm positive."

(Well, I think it's hysterical.)

Monday, May 24, 2004

"We will not fail..."

I do something called Model United Nations. Basically, mUN is students gathering, taking on the roles of delegates from the various nations, and debating various topics. Your school gets a country, you (as an individual, or with a partner) are assigned a committee, having either one or two topics to debate.

Every DiSec (Disarmament and International Security) committee since April of '03 has had, as one of its topics, something involving Iraq. Not only that, but other committees have had topics involving Iraq.

The president said, this evening, what every United States delegate has said since April of '03.

That was just something I thought was worth saying.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Point to Ponder:

Many network television stations do not want to air an evening Presidential Speech, because it gets in the way of their primetime line up.

Which is more important: the current state of the nation and world; or your favorite sitcom?

Musing #1

I've spent the past six years, on-and-off, asking people the same question. Now, I'm going to test the "comment" setting on my blog...

If you were a gerbil, would you have a habi-trail (the plastic tubes they crawl through) in you cage?

Cursing + expensive suit = politics

Why are politicians so cruel to each other?

No -- let me rephrase that -- why are politicians so cruel, period?

One falls off a bike, another makes a cruel comment.

One crashes into the secret service, and curses them out in the press.

I'm beginning to think the American Pastime is mud-slinging.

Friday, May 21, 2004


Good morrow, dear reader...

You're probably sitting in your comfy little office chair, thinking to yourself, "...oh, look. Another blog. Another one who thinks the rest of the world cares what they think..."

But that's where you're wrong.

I know you don't care. I'm an unknown identity. I don't really exist, as far as you're concerned. I'm just something on the other side of the computer monitor. Just another anomaly from the abyss of cyberspace.

Now that we both understand each other...

I hear you asking, *what is this? what is going on?*

I'm sure -- and this is a gut feeling, mind you -- that you are wondering exactly what this "hyphen-dash" thing is. What kind of sicko names a website for two words that are synonims of the punctuation holding the two words together? I know, you're mouthing the letters "W", "T", and "F" in rapid succession, and I'm pretty sure some of you also affixed a question mark to that.