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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Again with the Senior Costumes.

First of all, I'll let y'all in on a little secret, and tell you what I was for costume day (yesterday): I was the Key faerie. ("Ki", "Key"... it's a pun.)

I had angel wings, a halo, and red garters, all of which were covered with all manner of keys.

It was freaky.

And the highlight of my costume today (movie day) was the fact that I made a baby Audrey II. *(I don't look good as a blonde. Although the fact the shoes nearly crippled me meant that I toddered the way she Audrey I did in the movie.)* I'll take a picture of it, when I, like, get the digital camera working. It looks pretty good, if I say so myself.

I just have to complain about the past two (or three) days (counting pajama day).

There's this guy I know, who seems to have alot of trouble with clothing. Pants, in particular. On pajama day, he arrived, with a men's cotton robe. The problem arose when he let the robe hang open: he had on a pair of briefs. That was it. Nothing else. They sent him home to put on "real pants" and a shirt. He came back with a wife-beater style undershirt and a pair of boxers (he claimed they were okay because they were over the aforementioned pair of briefs). He folded the shirt to look like a bra.

Then, yesterday, he arrived in a black vest, and black pants, with a black bow tie, and a black g-string thong sticking out of the back of his pants. He came as a male stripper, but the only reason it was approved was because he told the teachers he was supposed to be the Tooth Faerie's groom *(the girl who come as the Tooth Faerie was actually waering a wedding dress, so it was a plausible excuse)*. At some point during the day, he pulled his pants down, and ran around the "Dead Hallway" in only the thong. *("Dead Hallway" = one corridor on the second floor with no classrooms)*. I wasn't there when he did that, but I saw the end of a lewd act in the Senior Lounge *(part of the cafeteria reserved for seniors)* on one of my free periods. And when I say "the end", I mean "the teacher in charge demanding to know what the hell is going on".

Today, he was Tom Cruise from Risky Business. The first time they sent him home, he came back with white Under Armor shorts under the briefs. The second time, he came back with actual trousers.

Then, there's the President of the Student Council. Monday? Well, y'know those lacy pajamas that girls wear, where it's a frilly tank top, and then, cute cropped pants? Yeah. There's only one problem: the President of the Student Council is Male. *(He also didn't bother to shave his legs, but I won't go there.)* He had a nice pajama set, and a terrycloth lady-bug robe, with a matching lady-bug hat. He looked rediculous. On Tuesday, he came as Gollum, from Lord of the Rings. He had a flesh-tone leotard, a brown skirt that he cut to shreds, sandals (so he wasn't barefoot), the Ring on a chain around his neck, and a latex mask. He would crouch in corners, and crawl around on hands and feet -- he had the whole shtick. He scared the @#%$ out o nearly half the school. Today, he was Dorothy, from The Wizard of Oz.

Oh, and remember CreamOfWheat? Well, his nickname (for whatever odd reason) is "T-Bagger". So his costume was a cardboard box, that he painted to resemble a box of Lipton Tea. He carried a box of Lipton Tea Bags with him. They were all over the school. There were at least fifty in the science hallway, because he hit someone in the head with the box; and they were throwing them back and forth in Mass Media. Today, he was Marv from Home Alone. He drew iron marks on his face with a red magic marker. *(I wonder if they'll still be there tomorrow.)*

The scary part is how much he acted like Marv. Although, the crowbar didn't help very much, either.



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