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Sunday, February 27, 2005

We finally reached it.

The mythical place called "the end of the vacation".


Sitting here, staring at my computer screen, I'd like to comment on something.

I'd like to apologize for my spelling. When I started HYPHEN-DASH, I was using OmniWeb. It was OmniWeb version 4.x. I don't know. But it was unlicensed. Anyway, I really liked 4.x, and the really cool thing about it was that it had the little red squiggly lines under a word if it thought it was misspelled. Those normally drove me up the wall, but, hey, my blog was spelled properly.

Then, I discovered Safari. Of course, I didn't really discover it, it was there all along. I had just never taken a liking to it. In my first experiences with Mac OS X, there was OmniWeb. So, now, with Panther (v 10.3), they give you Safari. Which really isn't that bad. It didn't have the red squiggly lines, though; that's much too Windows for something put out by Apple.

Through whatever backstory made it possible or necessary, Kat-Cat and I decided to put up A Treatise on Insanity. Kat-Cat, not knowing any HTML at all, uses the WYSIWYG side. Up until then, I'd had it turned off for all my blogs. But, as I knew how little Kat-Cat understood the instructions I gave her regarding HTML, I turned it on.

And the little button that said "Compose" didn't show up.

I tried it again in OmniWeb, which was now OmniWeb 5.1, and, it's quite obnoxious about whether or not you license it; but, again, it wasn't there.

It was there in Camino, but it had it's own issues: you couldn't go back and forth, between HTML and WYSIWYG. You either do the entire thing in HTML, or the entire thing in WYSIWYG.

I'm not up for that.

So then, I found Netscape, buried deep in the hard drive. *(Yes, we do have that many browsers. We're picky.)* And, well, the compose side works. And all the little buttons at the top of the HTML thing work -- I've never actually even noticed them. They put in freaky code, though. It's all <span style="font-style:italic;"> </span>, instead of simply saying <i> </i>.

It's freaky, but it's all there. Except for the little red squiggly lines.

Kat-Cat knows what I'm going to do for April Fools' Day, too. *(She knows, because she gave me the idea.)* On March 30, I'll go in, and turn off "Compose Mode" -- in both her blogs.

Of course, I'd leave it until she logged in, and actually noticed when she couldn't do very much, so I'd probably be away at college before it got fixed. *(I know that was a cheap shot. Sorry.)*

And, while we're on the suject of browsers, iCab -- which I really don't like -- has a number of issues trying to simply display blogger properly, let alone give me the "Compose" side.



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