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Monday, March 21, 2005


Okay. Here are a few other random things that I'd really like to comment on, but don't want to devote an entire post to.

First off: I. Hate. Essays. I mean, seriously, I got into the Honors' College, so now I have the option of living on the Honors' floor. Which I have to apply for. Which requires an essay. Seriously, I think I've done more work to get into the college than I have in classwork this year.

I finally found out about the scholarship that I applied for -- I don't know if I mentioned it, here, but I got money! w00t!

On an entirely unrelated note, I know Kat-Cat and I have been kinda ignoring A Treatise on Insanity recently... and when I say "recently", I mean "since January"... I'm sorry about that, but I'd feel really bad about taking over the story completely; considering the only ones that bother to comment are her readers, who probably didn't even notice my name at the bottom of the second Prologue...

And, if anyone's keeping score at home, I may just start a third blog -- just maybe. Another story. But there's no guarantee.



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