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Monday, March 28, 2005

Y'know, the cats have it easy...

I'm serious. I walk in, and Django just stares at me. Like, "oh, it's you". So then, I go, to turn on the computer, and Boo is asleep in the office chair. All cute, and fluffy, and warm; so a pick him up -- still curled up -- and he gives me this look, like, "why did you move me? I... I was asleep."

Y'know, the cats have it really easy. They don't have to go to school...

The cats don't have to deal with Economics homework...

They don't have to listen to, "when my Boyfriend's in Virginia, he calls me all the time, but now that he's in the Bronx, he doesn't talk to me, and I want to trust him..."

The cats don't have to deal with people screaming things like "I'm going to beat your fucking face in," at their friends.

I always used to think that Nowheresville was such a nice place. I'm serious. I used to think that it was, y'know, like the movie Pleasantville. I've spent six years in Nowheresville Memorial High School, and this is the first year I've ever been aware of how messed-up our school is.

I mean, I see these freakshow highschools on TV, and in Movies, and it's like, "no, that's not our school."

Let me tell you something: The Freakshow is Here.

There are drugs. Oh, yes, we have drugs. And not that trashy "illegal" stuff, either. Oh, no -- this is the good stuff. This is the "my mom had a prescription for this, but she never finished it. You want some? Five bucks."

There is drinking. Don't think for a minute that we don't.

There is sex. I know about all the good places to hide your sex diary. I know about people who bring their sex toys to school with them, so their moms don't find them. We don't need those silly little rubber bracelets, no.

And you know the sad part? This isn't stuff that should be a secret. This isn't "hey, just between you and me". This is open conersation, apparently.

Our economics teacher wanted examples of what we had done, over a weekend, for an example of "income effect", he calls on a random student, and the guy says, "...uh, gimme a minute. I don't remember." Which means either (a), he actually got drunk enough to black out, or (b), he can't lie that fast.

I mean, am I really this far out of the loop?



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