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Friday, September 16, 2005

"Be nice to your suitemates."

This story is odd. That's all there is to it.

It begins with one of the guys down the hall coming to me and asking if he could borrow a razor. When I asked him why, he explained that one of his suitemates was being a real jerk to he and his roommate, and he wanted to exact revenge by shaving off one (or both) of his eybrows.

He said he'd do that wednesday night.

So, thursday morning comes, and he hasn't come to get a razorblade from me, or talk to me, or anything, so I don't know what's going on.

He arrives, and declares that there's been a "change of plans". He tells me that they're going to take his mattress down to the laundry room. All I have to do is re-do the sheets so that it looks like there's still a mattress.

Okay, so they do all that, and we all leave.

Well, there's a bit more to it than that. They put a note on the bed, leading to another place. And that just leads around in a grand scavenger hunt.

Well... there were a few problems.
  • It was decided to move the mattress from the laundry room, which you can always get into, to the kitchen, so that no one would take it.
  • You need a key to get into that kitchen.
  • When trying to get a key for the kitchen, someone -- someone uninvolved -- actually said to the desk staff, "someone took his mattress, and we think it might be in there."
  • ...And that would be where our RA got involved.

So we all got a warning speech about how we should never do things like this ever again, whether we were involved or not it didn't matter, because the mattress -- and the desks, shelves, and armoirs, for that matter -- are all technically property of the school.

But she still thought it was funny.

And the guy this was done to had to leave halfway through this debacle to go to class. So he called us to ask what was going on, and we told him that his mattress had been retrieved. Still not noticing it was a prank, he asked us to make sure "they" didn't take anything else.



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