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Saturday, September 10, 2005

"Put that on CollegeHumor, but blame it on College Park."

I told you that my fellow Happy Time Hobo Ninjas were, shall we say, entertaining.

They duct taped a girl to an office chair, set up plastic Solo™-cup "bowling pins", and rolled her down the hall.

On an entirely unrelated note, there was an exceptional amount of partying and drinking, considering today was, y'know, friday.

"Are you drunk?"
"You're not drunk?"
"I was at a social gathering that involved the consuming of certain liquids which are illegal for individuals under a certain age."
"So you're drunk."
"So... you're tipsy?"
"Yeah. Yeah, that's it. I'm tipsy."

So, yeah. We were sitting in the hallway, and this random guy just walks down the hall. And he proceded to ask each o fus if we wanted a beer. And we all politely declined. And he went around the circle again, because he was drunk, and he didn't remember the first time we said "no".

And then there was the "we don't need to be drunk, we have Super Smash Brothers" crew. They played there way through for a bit, before deciding that they didn't really need to see what was going on. They pulled out the video cable, and the screen went black. You could hear the characters jumping and making their various trademark noises, but no one had any idea what they were doing. Tuxedo Mask won, by the way.

Oh, and someone got really drunk and vomited outside the steps to the dorm. It's roped off with Caution tape and the Campus police were here earlier.

I'm waiting for the Beer Pong competitions to start. It'll be just like Nowheresville. Only, y'know, without the drainage resevoir.



  • "Oh, and someone got really drunk and vomited outside the steps to the dorm. It's roped off with Caution tape..."

    here in Nowheresville, we'd just use a hose...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/10/2005 4:49 PM  

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