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Monday, June 14, 2004

I severely hope you guys feel like doing a lot of reading...

And, when I say 'you guys', I am assuming there is more than one of you out there, and if there are, don't tell me about subject-verb agreement.

Now, here's the first part. Today was the last day of school. Then, I have tomorrow off, and I just have to go in for exams; two on the sixteenth (wednesday), and one on the twenty-second (next tuesday?). Anyway, having nothing to do, I spent the day reading, and sharing a supermarket tabloid. I would hold up the paper, and declare to any nearby teachers or students, "Quality Literature, huh?" Meanwhile, the first thing that catches your eye is "Gay Aliens found in UFO Wreck!", with the tag line "They died in a last loving embrace!" underneath. In the picture is a picture of two small skeletons with elongated skulls, and anime-sized eye-sockets.

Right. Here's part two. As of today, I am a senior. At least, well, in the theory that I'm no longer a junior. Yeah. Okay. I just had to say that.

As for part three? Well, I got tired of reading about how space aliens were lousy lovers, so I was just standing around, listening to some of the girls talk. And I don't actually take them seriously. I mean, I don't "hang out" with them, I despise the stores they shop in... and they don't do Physics. Or Politics. So, in essence, I have no use for them. But I still end up listening to them. Anyway, I'm standing there, and I'm listening to the one girl explain how she's going to run for Homecoming Queen. My first thought is "Why?", the second is, "What's the point of Homecoming Queen?", then, "What's the point of Homecoming?". Then, after about a minute of a Holden Cauffield-style train of thought revolving around this "Homecoming Queen" thing -- which, I ought to point out, is an entirely foreign concept to me -- I declare, to anyone who could hear me, "I'm running for homecoming queen." Well, first they asked if I was serious. When I told them I was, they thought it was great, and they'll nominate me.

Now, I post the question to you, dear reader: What does a Homecoming Queen do? I just have to dress up, in a prom dress, and, like, go to homecoming, right? And I wear a little tiara, and I go to the parade. And that's it, right?

I'm leaving the comments section open to this, for you guys.

You've got to help me out here. It's, like, your civic duty.

p1z h31p. p1z. k k thnx.


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