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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

There are no good word processors left in the world...

*(Before you ask where I'm going with this, I like meaningless analogies.)*

I remember, in, like, the third grade, when we had Apple computers. When we typed, in school, we used "ClarisWorks". Does anyone remember ClarisWorks?

Does anyone remember At Ease? It was this odd little program, for Mac, that kept all of the icons and things at your fingertips. It must've been for, like, OS 6, or something. I don't remember. All I remember is that I hated it.

Anyway, when you started the computer up, there were three login choices: "student" -- which automatically had At Ease, and you couldn't get it to quit -- "teacher", and "administrator". *(None of the teachers knew how to use the computers terribly well, so they always logged in as students.)*

I'll never forget the day someone got the administrator's password. Everytime I used the computer, I logged in that way *(well, i knew what i was doing)*, and it always annoyed the teachers.

Wow. thread-creap. sry.

Well, AppleWorks has an option to save documents as either "ClarisWorks 4.0" or "ClarisWoks for Kids".

I don't remember ClarisWorks all too well.

But I know that AppleWorks thoroughly suxxors. At least, now it does. If you're running the old AppleWorks, it's okay. The new one is just... wrong. On so many levels.

And, I can't type in Microsoft Word for more than fifteen minutes. It's too condescending. "You can't possibly know how to do what you want. I'll do it for you. We both know the end user is a complete moron."

I can't stand it.

*("And what does this meaningless analogy have to do with anything?", i hear you ask. i'm getting to that.)*

Think about it: the only good word processor is the dinky little program that you use to type your HTML. The rest of the world knows it's there, but they still think you're out of your mind for wanting to use it.


Monday, November 29, 2004

I have a goat.

*(That got your attention, didn't it?)*

This year, I'm required to take a half-year course called "Participation in Government". The part that annoys me the most about this class is that we're not actually allowed to participate in class.

That's right. The entire thing is lecture.

And it's all things that you can figure out for yourself. Between the phone book, talk radio, and the internet, there's nothing really new here; it's just a spiffy presentation.

Anyway, our teacher decides that he is going to start the unit on the Media. Okay. Fine.

Well, according to my teacher, I'm a legitimate part of the media, as a "blogger".

But, he did the lesson in such a condescending way. It annoyed me sooo much. It was as though he was insinuating "well, the bloggers are a part of the news media, but you people could never be a legitimate part of the media. It's your job to pay your taxes and mind your damned business."

That's what it seemed like. On one hand, maybe it's just me. On the other hand, they've been doing that to us all along, so it's not like it would make a difference.


Friday, November 26, 2004

Note to self...

The mall, on the day after Thanksgiving, is bad.

Enter into this equation: the fact that it is 6:30 in the morning, and I don't feel well.

Yeah. It's some kind of "family tradition", or something...

It was fun, though. We got to the mall, did an hour's worth of shopping, before I was so miserable that I had to go home. I get home, worship the great porcelain goddess, take a nap, for about an hour...

...and then we went back to the mall.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Quote of the day.

iChat. A real, unaltered conversation, in iChat.


Quote of the day.

"Well, you have to wait until you don't get it."


Sunday, November 21, 2004

<squeak>It's finally heeeeeeere!</squeak>

I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning.

First off, the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy trilogy is, like, my favorite book. Ever. (I use the single word "book" to make my life easier.)

So, for my senior research project, he said we could do anything we wanted... as long as we could back up our thesis.

So, guess what I'm writing about?

In the process of researching, I stumbled on this.

The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy is being made into a feature-length film!

I remember the TV show -- which was truly terrible -- that was later strung together and edited into a film. (Let me rephrase that: I only remember that "film").

Squeak. Squeak with joy.


Wednesday, November 17, 2004


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Friday, November 12, 2004

Apparently, it's called a "wicket"

just testing out my mad html skillz, yo.

It's the <marquee> tag. In some browsers, it doesn't work. Some, it does. It works in Safari, but not in the unlicenced OmniWeb.

Depends altogether.


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Quote of the day.

"I think I should be president. I have great foreign and domestic policies... my foreign policy is 'nuke it' and my domestic policy is 'fuck it'."

Quote of the day

"Oh, goody! It's about death and racism!"

Thursday, November 04, 2004

A stupid comment about Hemmingway and an old TV going entirely too far...

There, it sat.

The cold, wet grass almost seemed to slice through its plastic shell. In its heart of transistor coils, it knew, that it had been replaced.

Inside -- in the warm house -- sat its new, shiny replacement: a twenty-five inch color television, with a shiny silver case. (It bitterly wondered if the extra six inches mattered.)

The raindrops seeped in, through the holes, in the front of its case, where the volume buttons once sat. They had been knocked inward, at some point, but it didn't matter.

The freezing rain almost seemed to burn its wires. It knew, deep down, that no one would ever try to plug it in. All of the rain would make it short-circuit.

It had been left, alone. To die. In the rain. Forgotten.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Maybe the meteorologist didn't lie...

Now that I've finally gotten my act together, Sixty Percent Chanch of Rain is back! The characters may seem similar (hell, some of them are recycled from the last time around) but it is a new story. Trust me. This one will actually have a direction. I promise.

Well, no. I take that back. It'll have direction once Kathryn helps me pick a first name for the main character.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Link of the Whenever I Damn Well Feel Like It

Let me put this into context: We watched this in A.P. Statistics.

Everyone's making fun of me now, because I just happen to now that "jatta" is the Finnish word for "yes", and, as it's Finnish, the J is pronounced as a Y.
