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Thursday, December 16, 2004

"You're avoiding the question."

It started about two weeks ago.

First off, Kathryn -- the Kathryn that you keep hearing about -- is one of my best friends. I've known her since, like, the fourth grade.

So... about two weeks ago, we were having a conversation, and Christmas comes up. She then screams out, out of absolutely no where, "I hate you! You're weird and maniacally twisted... you're impossible to buy a Christmas present for!"

Yes, this is what she said.

So, today, nearly two weeks later, I'm standing at her locker -- this is where most of our conversations take place -- and she declares, "Okay, so what do you want for Christmas?" *(again, it was out of absolutely no where. i don't know where she pulled that one from.)*

I shruged, and, not beleiving that was enough of a segue, continued the conversation we were having up until that point.

We repeated that interchange another three times, before she acused me of avoiding the question.

I shrugged, stuttered, and said, "I don't know."

And, y'know, it's not like you have to rush, or anything. I don't care. You know that.

*(i think i got her the same thing for Christmas every year for the past... well, since at least the ninth grade. But this is from the person who usually just gives people bookmarks.)*



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