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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Guess how much I hate [insert company logo here]?


It has been a time-honored tradition, here at Nowheresville Memorial High School, that the Graduation rehearsal is the Thursday morning, at least a week after school has ended. The Senior Prom is that evening. The actual Graduation is the following Sunday.

It's a tradition.

It hearkens back to the days when our football team didn't suck.

At any rate, the school ran into a problem: that Thursday morning is the date of the state mandated Math B regents exam, which some people take it in the tenth grade (that'the advanced class), some take it in the eleventh grade (that's normal). *(The A/B track is a three year track; year-and-a-half for A -- regents exam in the middle of either ninth or tenth grade -- and a year-and-a-half for Math B.)*

Fine. Then there are the ones that feel they need extra time with the material. They get a full two years for Math A -- ninth and tenth -- and a full two years for Math B -- eleventh and twelfth.

That Math AX and BX.

The Math BX exam was scheduled for that very same Thursday Morning.

So, with a class full of seniors, who wouldn't be able to attend the Graduation Rehearsal, they pushed it up to Tuesday Morning. (Today).

Right. Okay. So, the company that Nowheresville Memorial has used for, like, forever, for the Caps and Gowns, has either been aquired by, or merged with, another company, and the new company is completely incompetent.

...And here is the explaniation in terms of iChat (because I'm lazy and I don't feel like typing anymore):



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