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Monday, September 19, 2005

But, is it really early or really late?

You know those days when you stay up really late, to the point where it's the early morning hours? And you're not sure if you've stayed up late or if you've stayed up early?

Well, yeah, this is one of those.

It's also a re-affirmation of my nerdlyness.

But, nonetheless...

This story starts about a week ago. Joey (the one who strangled the dean of students with razor-wire in a demented dream) arbitrarily got an invitation to a party in Ellicott City. And he asked if any of us (a) were going and (b) even knew about it.

Okay. Skip to last Thursday. We're playing video games in The King of All Cosmos' room. He tells us there's going to be a party, in Ellicott City -- where he's from -- and asks would we like to come. And yes, this is the same party Joey got an invitation to.

We all sort of mumbled, and continued our quest to do... whatever it was that you do in that particular game. It doesn't matter. But as the King started to corner us each individually, he started to get answers like, "well, I'll go if he goes" and "I don't want to be the only one there."

That brings us to Saturday. We were all standing around in the hallway, talking -- we seem to do that alot -- and came to a lull in the conversation. We seem to do that alot, too.

The King came out of his room, which is right near where we stand, and brought up the party again. We all kinda shrugged and mumbled. He asked Wilding (a Junior) if he was going, and then declared, "Ki's going!"... which, of course, was news to me.

He tried to bully us some more, but then we all went to dinner. Joey, Wilding and I sat at our own little table, and plotted against him. Well, no, technically, that's not true. There was no plotting. It does sound cool, though. In reality, it was, "y'know, I really don't want to go."
"Yeah, he peer-pressured me into agreeing..."

If we did indeed have to go to the party, I'd bring my Gameboy and pass around Tetris. We'd stand in the corner, away from all the drunk people.

Eventually, we decided that Wilding would be our rebel leader, since he had a TV. We told the King we weren't going, he tried to convince us one last time -- "You mean you don't want to get drunk and have sex with random people?" -- and we were on our way. We played with a Slinky in the staircase for a bit, then went up to the apartments, where we played Super Smash Brothers, and Mario Power Tennis. We came back down to our dorm in Wildings Pickup truck -- two in the bed, one in the passenger seat, and me on the Subwoofer.

By the tiem we came back to the dorms, the King had gone, so we sat in the study lounge and played Munckin. If you've never played it, it's a card game, and it's like Dungeons and Dragons, without the plot. It's really a lot of fun. We played it twice, staying up, in the end, 'til 5:30 in the morning.

And that would be why Sixty Percent Chance of Rain is so late.



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