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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Quote of the Day

"In other news, I'm at Lehigh with what appears to be a hot girls convention, it's 3 AM, and I'm trashed beyond belief."


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Quote of the Day

"What is that, like, the tofu replacement of pot? I wouldn't think they'd need to do that, since, y'know, pot's already a plant..."


Monday, November 21, 2005

"Have a good year everyone. Make it count for something."

Everyone always talks about time in the sense of periodic cycles.

Days, months, years.

It's always, "this year'll be different."

That's why we make New Years' Resolutions.

Every December 31, we promise ourselves that we're going to make the coming year count for something.

But, January 1 is a pretty arbitrary day.

I mean, for more than a thousand years, the year started on the 25th of March.

...So I have a proposition, for the dozen of you that actually read my blog. Well, actually, no. I don't. My brother, Mat, does.
Deployed as of November 21 2005
See you in one year.
And just to throw this in there.
Id like to go the whole year without hearing, Schlack, thump, bam, whistle, thoomp, sping, spang, wzzzt, pop, crash, splang, tang tang tang, or the ever ubiquitous... Click, while walking.

Have a good year everyone. Make it count for something.

Battle Dragon -

From today, until November 21, 2006. It's one year. It may seem pretty arbitrary, but, it's still a year.

One year, for you to make the best of.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

The photobloggy water fountain saga countinues!

You've already seen the water fountain. The water fountain just down the hall from my door. This was my RA's response to the situation in the pictures you saw yesterday.



Could someone please tell me what you have to do to a water fountain to get it to do this?


Monday, November 14, 2005

Quote of the Day

"But fossil fuels make cars happy."


Sunday, November 13, 2005

Quote of the Day

"Eat my Unununium."


Saturday, November 12, 2005

There are some things that you simply shouldn't broadcast over the internet.

I know I've been ignoring you guys recently, and I'm sorry about that. I mean, if you like Sixty Percent, and The Dragon and the Goldfish, well, that's great.

But I haven't been that great about posting to hyphen-dash.

I don't really have that much to say.

I mean, I'll just sit here, and stare, blankly, at the screen, trying to think of something to post to hyphen-dash. That invariably leads to the next chapter of Sixty Percent, but, it's not like I can sit here and talk to you about stuff.

I mean, you really don't want to here about all the random shit on my desktop, do you?

Well, the background is black, and it has a lightbulb, with legs, and the words, "Begone. This is not for your brains" in big, white letters.

It's littered with little icons, and most of them have titles like "ADVISING_AGENDA.rtf", "EMAIL ME TO DELANA", "schedule spring '06", and, of course, "@@8d340660c8e30691cdbfb04fdbc6461f.doc".

There's also "resmonthtemplate.psd", the remnants of a prank. We decided we wanted to be Resident of the Month, so we took the certificate off the wall, scanned it in, and photoshopped out the name of the person who actually deserved the award. We also decided, in our infinite wisdom, to take out the names of our RA and Community Director, and replace their signatures with those of Mortal Kombat characters.

The fake certificates were scattered all over the hall.

Then there's "ki.doc" which is... um... I don't actually know what that is, to be honest.

And then there's a movie file called "accurately_titled_porn.mov"... which isn't anything at all what it sounds like. It's really just us beating eachother up with nerf guns and cardboard tubes.


That's really all I've got to say right now.


Monday, November 07, 2005

I love my alternate reality dream-world.


I love those dreams that take place in the real world, but have absolutely nothing to do with reality.

I had such a dream last night.

Imagine me, going in for advising, for next semester's schedule. Me. The cute, little PoliSci major.

Now, just to set this up for you, I scored pretty low on my placement exams; next semester, I'm taking a math class called "Algebra and Elementary Functions". It's the second-lowest math class offered.

In the dream, I walked in, and tried to convince the head of the Public Affairs Scholarship Program that I wanted to be a Computer Engineering major -- a major that, if I really did want to pursue it, it would take me six years just to take all of the prerequisite math credits.

So... yeah.

I apparently want to be a Computer Engineering major.
