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Saturday, November 12, 2005

There are some things that you simply shouldn't broadcast over the internet.

I know I've been ignoring you guys recently, and I'm sorry about that. I mean, if you like Sixty Percent, and The Dragon and the Goldfish, well, that's great.

But I haven't been that great about posting to hyphen-dash.

I don't really have that much to say.

I mean, I'll just sit here, and stare, blankly, at the screen, trying to think of something to post to hyphen-dash. That invariably leads to the next chapter of Sixty Percent, but, it's not like I can sit here and talk to you about stuff.

I mean, you really don't want to here about all the random shit on my desktop, do you?

Well, the background is black, and it has a lightbulb, with legs, and the words, "Begone. This is not for your brains" in big, white letters.

It's littered with little icons, and most of them have titles like "ADVISING_AGENDA.rtf", "EMAIL ME TO DELANA", "schedule spring '06", and, of course, "@@8d340660c8e30691cdbfb04fdbc6461f.doc".

There's also "resmonthtemplate.psd", the remnants of a prank. We decided we wanted to be Resident of the Month, so we took the certificate off the wall, scanned it in, and photoshopped out the name of the person who actually deserved the award. We also decided, in our infinite wisdom, to take out the names of our RA and Community Director, and replace their signatures with those of Mortal Kombat characters.

The fake certificates were scattered all over the hall.

Then there's "ki.doc" which is... um... I don't actually know what that is, to be honest.

And then there's a movie file called "accurately_titled_porn.mov"... which isn't anything at all what it sounds like. It's really just us beating eachother up with nerf guns and cardboard tubes.


That's really all I've got to say right now.



  • That movie was about the saga of Mark Freedman, and his dishing out large quantities of justice on to Freshmen and Home Fries Junior thanks to moderate consumption of beers.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/17/2005 9:33 PM  

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