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Monday, November 21, 2005

"Have a good year everyone. Make it count for something."

Everyone always talks about time in the sense of periodic cycles.

Days, months, years.

It's always, "this year'll be different."

That's why we make New Years' Resolutions.

Every December 31, we promise ourselves that we're going to make the coming year count for something.

But, January 1 is a pretty arbitrary day.

I mean, for more than a thousand years, the year started on the 25th of March.

...So I have a proposition, for the dozen of you that actually read my blog. Well, actually, no. I don't. My brother, Mat, does.
Deployed as of November 21 2005
See you in one year.
And just to throw this in there.
Id like to go the whole year without hearing, Schlack, thump, bam, whistle, thoomp, sping, spang, wzzzt, pop, crash, splang, tang tang tang, or the ever ubiquitous... Click, while walking.

Have a good year everyone. Make it count for something.

Battle Dragon -

From today, until November 21, 2006. It's one year. It may seem pretty arbitrary, but, it's still a year.

One year, for you to make the best of.



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