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Saturday, June 25, 2005

Road Blog: Day I (June 22)

This one goes out to the fine folks of Hamilton Township, New Jersey.

Y'know the Cracker Barrel? Right on Spirit of '76 Boulevard?

In the dining room, right over th efire place, they have a picture of a guy. We're not sure who he is, he's just a random guy. When you go and read the litle caption, it explains that he was the first customer ("guest") to walk through the door of that particular store ("unit").

I'm just curious as to who he is.


This one goes out to the people of Delaware. You guys have the coolest looking cops. They swagger. Thay have that look-at-me,-I'm-not-a-Jersey-state-trooper sort of swagger.


Another question for the folks of Delaware: heading south on 495 (at least, I think it's 495), near the signs for the exits for "Wlmington/Newark (South)" and "Philadelphia/New York (North)", there is a sign that looks lik this:
New Castle             Airport

Is it New Castle, the Airport, and then Dover? Or is it New Caslte Airport, which is followed by Dover?

I'm so confused.


"It's like the Northern Boulevard of Maryland."


When you see a bowling alley, and the big sign that says AMF... what does that mean?!


I don't know, maybe this is just me. But I thinkk it should be a rule, that when a candidate loses an election, you should have to take their bumper sticker off your car.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm getting kinda tired of seeing Kerry/Edwards '04 stickers.


On the corner of Reedie and Georgia Avenues, in Wheaton, Md, there's a sign for the Metro. *(It's like the MTA/LIRR up here, I guess.)* Fine. In big letters, on this sign: Metro / Kiss and Ride.

[insert your own dirty joke here]

No, I mean, I'm sure that either means something, or stands for something, but it was just so... random.


In case you haven't noticed, we're wandering around, aimlessly, in Maryland. See, I just got a cell phone. It's really cool -- it was free, and it's a step up from my 6-year-old Motorola. When I started up my old phone, I got a message, that said "welcome to Omnipoint". Omnipoint became VoiceStream. And VoiceStream became T-Mobile.

Now, if I had any kind of forethought, I would have bothered to set up an audioblogger account. (There again, if I had any kind of forethought, I would have bothered to bring my camera.)

So now I have a flip phone, capable of color, text messaging, games... and at the heart of it all, a little yellow chip that says "Omnipoint" across it.


"Welcome to Privacy World"



  • "What does AMF stand for?
    The letters AMF stand for American Machine and Foundry. Today, the bowling company is officially known as AMF Bowling Worldwide, Inc."
    Source: AMF Official Website

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/27/2005 10:19 AM  

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