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Friday, February 11, 2005


*(I know some of you are really, really sick of these long and/or depressing posts, but, y'know, hey. Sorry.)*

I know I kind of mentioned the SENIOR PROM in the last post -- and I know you can simply scroll down, rather than clicking on the link, but bare with me. I'm in a good mood, and using the HTML editor -- because we all know that WYSIWYG is bad for your health -- and I needed to arbitrarily link to myself.

At any rate, I have a problem. My problem is the SENIOR PROM. (My problem is also <font> tags, but I won't get into that right now). At any rate, all of the other girls have some idea of who they're going with; because they are perfectly aware of who their significant other is.

I, on the other hand, do not. I have no boyfriend. No tengo un novio. I'm an antisocial geek. I'm completely uninvolved with the "sump crowd" *(the sump = "the drainage sump resovoir thing, where everyone goes to drink". Therefore, "sump crowd" = "the entire miserable lot of them".)

...SOooo... I need a date to the Senior Prom; and the closest I've gotten is the running joke that I'm going to ask Kat-Cat to the Prom [either one]. It's a joke, not so much because we're both female, but because there is very little chance of Kat-Cat even going to the [Junior] Prom, as she hates dresses.

That leaves me with the option of, as I put it, whoring myself out to the boys in my senior class. Now, when I say I'm "whoring myself out", that means that I have to actually bother to get my ass out of bed in the morning, put on makeup, wear miniskirts, act more feminine, and be less anti-social. In short, I have to be less of an antisocial geek.

I have to act less like myself, basically.

I have the unnerving feeling that there is someone who wants to ask me. He's a friend of Kat-Cat's older-brother... which puts him in my grade. Let's call him... Guitarra. We [Kat-Cat, Guitarra, and myself] were standing around, talking, afterschool, in the Foriegn Language hallway -- a departure from our usual spot of Kat-Cat's locker in the Dead hallway. Anyway, he brought up that he and Marc [Kat-Cat's brother] were talking about me. I think the conversation was supposed to end there; but I inquired as to what was said, Kat-Cat told me that when they [Marc and Guitarra] discussed any girls other than herself, it was usually not PG-13. I persisted, he gave me the age-old "I don't remember" line, before finally asking, "Have you ever seen She's All That?" which lead into, "we'd like to give you a makeover," and "I like your hair, y'know, the way you have it up, like that."

He has, in the past, referred to both Kat-Cat and myself as his "platonic girlfriends", by the way.

But, at any rate, the conversation suddenly jumped to, "Did you really take [---] to the Prom?" -- to which the answer was yes -- but that was merely a segue into a diatribe about how much he disliked the guy I took to the Junior Prom.

Okay, now, I don't really know what to think. Mom says that either he likes me, or he's acting as a 'John Smith' for Marc. So, now I'm officially confused. Anyone who'd like to post a comment, and, y'know, help me out; I'd really appreciate it.



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