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Sunday, October 30, 2005

...because everyone needs a cardboard naginata.

Yeah. It's a good thing my roommate was home for the weekend.

It's sad. The floor has all these little cardboard scraps all over.

And, well, there are also the nunchucks... made out of water bottles and string...



Thursday, October 27, 2005

I can't think of any bad puns for this one. Sorry.

Well, I don't know whether or not you guys like Sixty Percent Chance of Rain. I have no way of knowing that. Because no one ever leaves me comments, or sends me email.


There are, however, a few things that I do know.

I wrote multiple chapters all at once, so I don't have to touch the story again until November 25.

I also know that I needed a new vice.

That, though, is a little tricky. I don't like the taste of alcohol, I don't like the smell of smoke, and I can't get into any photography courses.

So I started a new story. You may have noticed the new link, for something called The Dragon and the Goldfish. Well, that's it.

It is -- no, I take that back. It will be a great deal darker than Sixty Percent. It's not a spy with a katana driving around in an ice cream truck with a dead body in the freezer.

It's different.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

This is the point where I stare at the screen and blurt out (expletive deleted)

For all my theatrical costume shop experience, I'm making my halloween costume out of brown paper bags and duct tape.


It's going to be awesome, though. Provided I actually cut it straight this time.

We're going to be ninjas.


Brown-paper-bag-and-duct-tape ninjas. With cardboard weapons.

Okay. Fine.

So, then I stumbled onto this conversation:
[02:17] <#1> You know ... everyone from the hub should dress like Ninjas and pirates for halloween.
[02:17] <#2> hell yeah!!
[02:17] <#1> And then we should have a huge battle in the Erickson Field.
[02:17] <#3> I need a pirate hat.
[02:17] <#3> and a poofy shirt.
[02:17] <#2> i will show everyone how to make a ninja outfit
[02:17] <#1> I want to be a Ninja.
[02:20] <#1> I need to getmyself a Ninja costume then.
[02:20] <#4> be a t-shirt ninja
[02:21] <#5> anyone know a good place to get a good looking costume?
[02:21] <#1> Shit, I don't have enough black articles of clothing to make a good outfit.
[02:21] <#2> you make it
[02:21] <#2> fool
[02:21] <#1> I could be a t-shirt ninja.
[02:21] <#1> DAMN IT!!!
[02:21] <#4> I can't count how many websites tell you how to make the mask
[02:21] <#1> #2 ... you got electrical tape?
[02:21] <#2> ummm
[02:21] <#1> Or black duct tape.

So, yeah. Yeah. Next, they're going to be trick-or-treating, and taking our candy.

Oh, yeah. That's right. You heard me. I said we were going Trick-or-Treating.


Quote of the Day

"If you walk through the streets of Baltimore, you might be a victim of Black-on-Black crime -- even if your white."


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Two words: Culture shock.

It's one thing when you're in a costume shop, secluded from the world; and people come in to get costumes, and they tell you about the scary things that they need to dress up for.

It's another thing altogether when you see it first hand.

Maryland Rennaissance Festival (or, rather, Renfest) is one such place.

I will be the first to admit that any woman brave enough to wear a farthingale the entire day is scary. There were many such women there. It was scary.

The kilts don't bother me. The weskits don't bother me. The farthingales do.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Quote of the Day

"Nothing says 'anniversary' like a trip to the strip club."


Monday, October 10, 2005

Quote of the Day

"To serve in Congress, or even as president, there is no requirement for scholarship and brilliance. For good reason. It is not needed. It can even be a hindrance, as we learned from our experience with Woodrow Wilson, the most intellectually accomplished president of the 20th century and also the worst."


College hijinks abound!

Okay. I was wrong, apparently.

Things do happen around here.

We were sittting outside, having a hall party -- just sitting there, doing nothing.

A handful of loud people come out of my suitemates' room -- and their drunk. Drunk out of their minds.

One of them has made pants from caution tape... which he is wearing.

I notice the "Happy 18th Birthday!" signs plastered on her door.

...they're inviting everyone in, for a party.

On a Sunday night.

One of the sober ones tried to convince two of his drunk friends that there was a camera behind the mirror in the hallway. The two drunks got a screwdriver, and actually took the mirror off the wall -- almost breaking it in the process -- only to find cinderblocks. The cinderblocks were a different color, because they painted around the mirror.

We had a nerf gun fight. Only, with cheap knock-offs of Nerf guns. It was really awesome... I mean, aside from the whole getting beaten with a cardboard tube thing. No, but seriously. There were darts and foam disks everywhere. I think everyone on the floor is kinda scared of us.

So then, we decided to play Monopoly. Only, we're the really cool people. We're awesome. We put down the extra five dollars to get Lord of the Rings Monopoly.


I got my ass handed to me. Having a Fortress (hotel) on both Barad Dûr (Park Place) and Mount Doom (Boardwalk) is an easy way to end the game quickly.

Very, very quickly.

Especially when Logolas (Racecar? Thimble? Terrier?) has no money.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Quote of the Day

"If Ben Stiller had a disturbed zombie twin, that's what this guy would look like."


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Aww, man. I'm sorry. Mea culpa. Seriously.

I know that, y'know, I've been really annoying lately. I am aware of that.

All that I've been posting recently are Quotes of the Day, and really awkward, really personal posts about whether or not I'm going down the right path in life.

I'm sorry about that.

I know some of you would probably like to hear more about our hijinks -- like the pillow fort, or the mattress. The simple fact of the matter, however, is that those of us that do actually hang out have no lives.

We have hall parties.

We go downstairs at 11 to watch the Daily Show, and then Family Guy. Usually we stick around for Aqua Teen Hunger Force, because it's just soooooo random.

This is what we do.

So, yeah.

Unless you want to hear about my flash cards for Russian -- and no, you don't -- I really haven't got that much to say.

Sixty Percent Chance of Rain is alot more interesting. Trust me.


Monday, October 03, 2005

Quote of the Day

"Da, comrade, da. I sprecken zie Russian very good."


Quote of the Day

Jess arbitrarily walks up to people, and scratches their scalp, proclaiming "unprotected hair sex!". This is a conversation that ensued after she did that:

"Unprotected hair sex!"
"What is protected hair sex?"
"She'd be wearing gloves?"
"Latex gloves, maybe?"
"Yeah, maybe..."
"No, one of us would be wearing a shower cap."


...just a strange joke.

A Frenchman, an Englishman, and a New Yorker get captured by cannibals. The chief comes to them and says, "We're going to kill you, eat you, and use your skins to build a canoe. But you get to choose how you get to die."

The Frenchman says, "I take ze sword." The chief gives him the sword, the Frenchman cries, "Vive la France!" and runs himself through.

The Englishman says, "A pistol for me, please." The chief gives him a gun, the Englishman says, "God save the Queen!" and blows his brains out.

The New Yorker says, "Gimme a fork." The chief shrugs and gives him a fork. The New Yorker starts jabbing himself all over -- the stomach, sides, chest, everywhere. The chief is appalled, and asks, "God almighty, what are you doing?"

The New Yorker sneers and says, "So much for your fucking canoe!"


Sunday, October 02, 2005


This one is insanely inappropriate. Don't say I didn't warn you. Mom started a game of Mah-Jong... and this is what she got:
