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Sunday, February 13, 2005

Wow. I really need to keep up on my promises.

I just went reading through my archives; and I have a number of things I need to put up.

First off, the AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY that I had to write for English, in, like, September. I said:
I wrote a tongue-in-cheek, 554-word blog entry for English, and, when I get it back, I'll post it here. *(it's actually pretty good, if I do say so myself. oh well.)*
I completely forgot about it. Actually, I gave it to a teacher, because she had to write a letter of recomendation, and I just handed her the copy I had. I got a 95 on it, and my English teacher said it was a "fascinating" style of writing.

I also mentioned photoblogging a few times. Well, I'm buying myself a Canon Elura 65 DV with the money that I made during Halloween... or, rather, Mom's ordering it for me, since the credit card is in her name, and I'm handng her the cash.

But that's the same thing, basically, right?

...okay. That was freaky. The cursor evaporated off the face of the earth for a moment. Freakyness.

Which reminds me of the other thing I was supposed to do for HYPHEN-DASH. See, I'm on heavy amounts of medication, and, it's remarkably like being stoned; especially when I'm tired, hungry, or stressed out.

It very briefly crossed my mind -- in one of my clearer moments -- to start a blog for all the freaky things that cross my mind that are entirely drug-induced, y'know, like, "legallystoned.blogspot.com", or some stupid thing like that. I never made that blog, because I figured, "hey, I've already got two blogs, why can't I just put it on HYPHEN-DASH?"

But, I kinda never did. So, expect to see afew posts entitled "DRUG-INDUCED WRONGNESS", or something along those lines. And I'll find a different color to post those in -- if you've noticed, I changed the QUOTES OF THE DAY so that they're green.

Gray maybe? Not blue, or periwinkle; or purple -- it'll look too hyperlinky.

Red, maybe?

Tell me what you think.



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