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Monday, May 30, 2005

myspace is insane!!!

No, no no. I'm serious.

See, you invite your friends, and you just create a network of friends... and then, you comment on each other's myspaces.

You can also invite people without myspaces, thus inviting them to create them.

So, I invited Kathryn. I figured, "Hey, what the hell."

And, she actually got one. (The only two comments there are both from me, one claiming, "Hells yeah! w00t! I got Kathryn to jump on a bandwagon!", and the other bitching about the fact that she hadn't done anything with it yet.)

So, she's listed in the little box on mine labelled "friends".

And another friend of mine declares, in the comments section, "OMG is that kathryn kathryn? KATHRYN GENESIS!?!!"

Another blurts out, "omg first u get kathryn to actually go somewhere and then u get her to get a myspace! ki u rock! lol :-D"

So then, I decide, I'm going to leave a comment on my myspace. (That still sounds awkward.) So, I click on "Add Comment", and it tells me, "Error: You must be someone's friend to make comments about them."

I click Add Friend, and I get, "Confirm Add Friend: You cannot add yourself as a friend."

Yup. That's right. I can't be my own friend.

So I posted I rather important bulletin (like an open-ended email) entitled "SUPER IMPORTANT OMG ANSWER!!!!!!!" (only because that stands out from the short titles, like "whoa", "new pix", and "beer".)
How come I can't comment on my own myspace? It says I have to be a friend, but then, it says I can't be my own friend.

Ki isn't friends with me. ; (


So, that's when Kathryn -- calling herself "The Kat-Cat" -- wrote this:
Well, that's just something you've got to talk to Ki about now, right? Now, I know from experience - Ki is quite picky about who she's friends with. So take care not to insult her!

...Or bore her. Whichever comes first.



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