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Sunday, February 27, 2005

We finally reached it.

The mythical place called "the end of the vacation".


Sitting here, staring at my computer screen, I'd like to comment on something.

I'd like to apologize for my spelling. When I started HYPHEN-DASH, I was using OmniWeb. It was OmniWeb version 4.x. I don't know. But it was unlicensed. Anyway, I really liked 4.x, and the really cool thing about it was that it had the little red squiggly lines under a word if it thought it was misspelled. Those normally drove me up the wall, but, hey, my blog was spelled properly.

Then, I discovered Safari. Of course, I didn't really discover it, it was there all along. I had just never taken a liking to it. In my first experiences with Mac OS X, there was OmniWeb. So, now, with Panther (v 10.3), they give you Safari. Which really isn't that bad. It didn't have the red squiggly lines, though; that's much too Windows for something put out by Apple.

Through whatever backstory made it possible or necessary, Kat-Cat and I decided to put up A Treatise on Insanity. Kat-Cat, not knowing any HTML at all, uses the WYSIWYG side. Up until then, I'd had it turned off for all my blogs. But, as I knew how little Kat-Cat understood the instructions I gave her regarding HTML, I turned it on.

And the little button that said "Compose" didn't show up.

I tried it again in OmniWeb, which was now OmniWeb 5.1, and, it's quite obnoxious about whether or not you license it; but, again, it wasn't there.

It was there in Camino, but it had it's own issues: you couldn't go back and forth, between HTML and WYSIWYG. You either do the entire thing in HTML, or the entire thing in WYSIWYG.

I'm not up for that.

So then, I found Netscape, buried deep in the hard drive. *(Yes, we do have that many browsers. We're picky.)* And, well, the compose side works. And all the little buttons at the top of the HTML thing work -- I've never actually even noticed them. They put in freaky code, though. It's all <span style="font-style:italic;"> </span>, instead of simply saying <i> </i>.

It's freaky, but it's all there. Except for the little red squiggly lines.

Kat-Cat knows what I'm going to do for April Fools' Day, too. *(She knows, because she gave me the idea.)* On March 30, I'll go in, and turn off "Compose Mode" -- in both her blogs.

Of course, I'd leave it until she logged in, and actually noticed when she couldn't do very much, so I'd probably be away at college before it got fixed. *(I know that was a cheap shot. Sorry.)*

And, while we're on the suject of browsers, iCab -- which I really don't like -- has a number of issues trying to simply display blogger properly, let alone give me the "Compose" side.


Friday, February 25, 2005

For the record, I don't hate the mall.

That's right. It's not just the mall that I hate. It's clothes shopping in general that I hate.

I would've blogged about the experience, but I kinda needed to get over it first.

It was just that painful.

My dragged me out for a suit, for an interview, for a scholarship. *(You can see where this is going.)*

See, here's my problem: I'm just tall enough to not fit properly into "Petite" sizes. And I'm just small enough to have issues with the regular sizes. When I do find the right size, it's usually a four.

I'm the girl that goes to the "Tall Girl" shop, because, like, the sleeves on the suit jackets are just long enough... even though I'm going to have to have the trousers tailored, to get rid of the extra six inches of fabric.


I also have issues with shoes.

So we decided that, since I've really liked this one pair of shoes in Banana Republic, for the past three months, we'd finally get them; and then get a nice pants suit to go with it. (We've tried doing it the other way around. That doesn't work.) So, we got the shoes -- in good *(expensive)* shoes, I'm a seven-and-a-half. In crappy shoes, I can go up to a nine. Go figure.

Then, after getting the shoes, we left the mall, and went to the afforementioned "Tall Girl" shop. They don't carry my size; the smallest size they carry is a six. It would have to be special-ordered. ("She's built like a cricket!"). But they did find a nice pair of size-four slacks that they had from a while ago. They have to be hemmed, but now I have a pair of black pin-stripe slacks.

We went back to the mall *(big mistake)*. Macy's and Penney's were just plain freaky *(I honestly can't tell the difference between the two)*. We tried juniors in both... one had nothing even remotely resembling western business attire, and the other had one suit. One. In black, gray, or beige. And it was really ugly, two. Ladies' suits were just... freaky. They looked like something Barbie would wear. We tried Nordstrom's, which was actually disappointing; and we tried somewhere else, too. No luck.

Then, we went to Syms. "I feel like I'm wearing someone else's clothes. Is that bad?"

Yeah. I was delerious. It was not fun.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Has anyone seen this "Project Runway" thing?

Have you? Mom got me stuck on it.

When I say she "got me stuck on it", that doesn't mean she got me to watch it early on, and I'd wait for it every week.

That means, I saw episode two, in a marathon of episodes one through nine. "What is this?"
"Oh, it's really good."
"But, what are they doing?"
"Well, there's eleven designers. There were twelve, but now there're eleven. And they give them a challenge, every week, and whoever does the best, wins, and whoever does the worst gets kicked off, 'til there's only three left."
"The three finalists get to show collections at fashion week. The winner is the one with the best collection."

I stayed there, for almost four hours, watching this utter madness unfold.

The finale episode is tonight; they'll have clips of the four runway shows (at the time fashion week occured, there were still four people left on the show, so even though they knew who would win -- it was filmed in advance -- they sent the four of them to fashion week, so no one else knew).

It's just... freaky. Y'know, you sit there, and you just have to ask yourself certain questions. "Why does Austin wear the same size as Julia (one of the models)?" (and the reason we know that? he had to stand in for her. The first thing the other designer said, when he came down the runway: "at least he didn't look like an absolute drag queen.")

Or, "why does everyone hate Wendy?" -- oh, wait, no, never mind. (After she stood up and thoroughly trashed the other designers, on a few different occaisions, yeah, I can see that). Kara Saun says she has no soul.

So, yeah. Now you know why I don't shop at the trendoid stores. Because these people are the trendoids. And these people are scary.


Dude, where's my blog?

Some of you are probably wondering what happened to me.

Three words: Champions. Of. Norrath.

I have the week off from school; and this is when I get left alone.

Well, actually, no, I don't get 'left alone', but Champions of Norrath is the most noteworthy thing I've done. I mean, unless you really want to hear about me doing laundry.

I've decided that, before I leave for college, I'm buying myself I straightening iron. That came about because I have curly/wavy/frizzy hair, that I can tame only with a bun (with chopsticks) -- in other words, three dozen bobby-pins and a great deal of hair spray.

I decided -- on a whim -- that I wanted to dry my hair with the blowdryer. (I'm pretty sure the damn thing is as old as I am.) At any rate, it took me an hour, and my hair was just as difficult as usual.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.


Quote of the Day

"Do I look more sober in a Ninja stance?"

Verbindung von wann immer I gut verdammt glaube Sie wie es.

...Yeah, you can thank babelfish for that one.

At any rate, I found an awesome thing. I don't know quite what you'd call it. It's called He looks like...

It's a game. "It's a sick game. We psychoanalyze people in pictures. We make up their backstories. And we have a lot of fun doing it."


Saturday, February 19, 2005

This is so... wrong. On so many levels.

Okay, y'know, I have to admit, I'm a fan of cartoons -- even more so, now that I'm on Topamax.

Now, when they did the "Looney Toons Hour" -- or whatever they called it -- it was just an hour of randomly strung-together cartoons. And they were all from the thirties, forties, fifties, and maybe a few from the sixties.

And you could tell; the early "Tom and Jerry" cartoons had either the happy homemaker (who was white), or an "Aunt Jemima"-sort of character.

And I'm not any worse for watching politically incorrect cartoons like these. If you watch these "cartoon hours", they'll throw in random things that are "politically incorrect" -- not because they're wrong, but because they're "off-color", so-to-speak.

But then I stumbled on this. I stumbled on it only because I was playing with the "my yahoo" thing, and I never got rid of "News Photos".

One of the pictures was an illustration, of freaky-looking characters, each black-and-a-different-color, and each having that "American psuedo-anime" look about them.

They were called the "Loonatics". *(There's also this article, and if you click here, you'll get the Promotional Quitcktime Movie.)*

Okay, first of all, I don't like it. I can kind of deal with the new names. I can't deal with Buzz' (Bugs Bunny) voice. It's creepy, and slightly disturbing. Also, why don't I ever remember Lola Bunny -- renamed "Lexi"? Where'd she come from? At least Slick (Wile E. Coyote) gets to be the geek of the group. He's cool.

Here we go. Wait. I have quotes:
"I think the legacy is intact," he said. "If anything, it's an homage to the legacy instead of a destruction of the legacy."
No, no, I'm pretty sure you're killing the legacy. As a matter of fact, I think you're bludgeoning it to death.
But cartoon purists, raised on the easy-to-understand hilarity of Elmer Fudd blowing Daffy Duck's bill off with a shotgun blast to the face, might rightfully lament the fact that their own kids won't get a chance to grow up exposed to that same kind of classic comedy.
I'm not thinking that far ahead! I'm worried about me! What about the politically incorrect cartoons that I want to see?
"And secondly," he said, "these are cartoons. Lighten up! They're fun and the existence of one doesn't preclude the existence of another."
Okay, wow. This man has obviously never gotten into a major philosophical or theoretical debate (read: argument) with his friends about a cartoon.
"Loonatics" is part of a wider effort by Warner Bros. to boost classic franchises: A new Batman movie and a remake of "Superman" also are in the works. The potential revenue is massive: If "Loonatics" is a hit on Saturday morning, for example, it is likely to ripple through the company's merchandising, home-video and movie divisions. "That's the ultimate goal of all kids programming," says Mr. Janollari. "If we score, it's a gold mine."
We all knew where the WB was coming from. It should have been obvious from the start.


Friday, February 18, 2005


This one is long overdue.

Sometime in... I think it was December, maybe... Kat-Cat and I were talking, and she asked me if I knew what some "-phobia" was.

I didn't, but said I'd look it up.

I kinda forgot.

It was pheonetically similar to "gorophobia", or "algorphobia". It kind of made it sound like "fear of Al Gore". I don't remember it too well.

So, here goes:
  • Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Fear of crowds.
  • Algophobia - Fear of pain.

And, Kat-Cat, I'm sorry, But I couldn't just put it up with out explanation, as you said I should have.


Quote of the Day

"You're both saying the exact same thing, but you're arguing with each other."

"That sounds so dramatic, doesn't it?"

The school's server is down.

Or it needs to be reset.

Or something like that.

So, rather that being able to do any work, we're "researching" for the next project.

Half of us can't get into our logins.

Those of us that can can't get into any of the files saved into "My Documents", and the internet connection is shaky, at best.

Now, all of those UserFriendly jokes about the Windows NT servers seem even funnier.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Drug-induced wrongness.

I got a Pez dispenser!

It's yellow; it's Woodstock from Peanuts.

And the best flavor is orange... because I've never had a banana-flavored pez.

That would be awesome.

'Cause, like, they sell whole unassorted packs of pez -- y'know, like all strawberry, of all orange.

Orange is good.

But they need banana.

... I do still like the assorted packs, though.


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Y'know what really isn't fun?

Sinus infections.

And, y'know, since my sinuses are deformed, well, that means that, while everyone else gets "head colds", I get a "sinus infection".

Y'know, when you don't feel like going to school, and it was, "oh, I was sick"? Not me.

I'm miserable either way.


Monday, February 14, 2005

I *hate* saccharine Greeting-Card Holidays.

That's really all there is too it. I've never actually observed Valentine's Day; and, with the exception of, like, Dad buying me a teddy bear, or things of that nature, Valentine's day has never been fun. All of the experiences I've had that simultaneously involved School and Valentine's Day weren't good experiences.

Oh, but I did get chocolate today. Actually, I got it on friday -- Senior Student Teacher Day -- in Web Page Design. They had a contest: who could create the best webpage in FrontPage. First Prize was a Hershey's Symphony Bar... which I only ate half of.

So, yeah. I had chocolate today.

And, incase you're curious:
  • Yes. It's a great deal of fun being a miserable, antisocial misanthrope.

  • Yes, I did dress up. No, I did not enjoy that.

  • For those who are keeping track, a reputable source tells me that Mom was wrong about Guitarra, as he's much too busy fending off his cult to worry about me. His cult, by the way, is a group of underclassmen who practically fling themselves at him, screaming, "I love you!".

So, yeah. That's really about it.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

Wow. I really need to keep up on my promises.

I just went reading through my archives; and I have a number of things I need to put up.

First off, the AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY that I had to write for English, in, like, September. I said:
I wrote a tongue-in-cheek, 554-word blog entry for English, and, when I get it back, I'll post it here. *(it's actually pretty good, if I do say so myself. oh well.)*
I completely forgot about it. Actually, I gave it to a teacher, because she had to write a letter of recomendation, and I just handed her the copy I had. I got a 95 on it, and my English teacher said it was a "fascinating" style of writing.

I also mentioned photoblogging a few times. Well, I'm buying myself a Canon Elura 65 DV with the money that I made during Halloween... or, rather, Mom's ordering it for me, since the credit card is in her name, and I'm handng her the cash.

But that's the same thing, basically, right?

...okay. That was freaky. The cursor evaporated off the face of the earth for a moment. Freakyness.

Which reminds me of the other thing I was supposed to do for HYPHEN-DASH. See, I'm on heavy amounts of medication, and, it's remarkably like being stoned; especially when I'm tired, hungry, or stressed out.

It very briefly crossed my mind -- in one of my clearer moments -- to start a blog for all the freaky things that cross my mind that are entirely drug-induced, y'know, like, "legallystoned.blogspot.com", or some stupid thing like that. I never made that blog, because I figured, "hey, I've already got two blogs, why can't I just put it on HYPHEN-DASH?"

But, I kinda never did. So, expect to see afew posts entitled "DRUG-INDUCED WRONGNESS", or something along those lines. And I'll find a different color to post those in -- if you've noticed, I changed the QUOTES OF THE DAY so that they're green.

Gray maybe? Not blue, or periwinkle; or purple -- it'll look too hyperlinky.

Red, maybe?

Tell me what you think.


Saturday, February 12, 2005

See? It' all her fault.

Kat-Cat, being the excellent sport that she is, is helping out with the whole bit regarding Guitarra.

My Mom, on the other hand, isn't being quite as... sporting. "You have to look nice on Monday. Maybe you should wear a skirt." *(And I'm thinking, "what's Monday? Why-- oh. Valentine's Day.")* "I don't do Valentine's Day. It's not my thing."

I'm still going to have to dress up -- to sell out my values, and whore myself out to prospective Prom dates; because, y'know, that seems to be the way the world works.

There is no chivalry; no gentlemen holding doors open for ladies; now it's "how much effort do I need to put into this before they realize I'm not some hung-up feminist who's going to ask the guy first?"


Friday, February 11, 2005


*(I know some of you are really, really sick of these long and/or depressing posts, but, y'know, hey. Sorry.)*

I know I kind of mentioned the SENIOR PROM in the last post -- and I know you can simply scroll down, rather than clicking on the link, but bare with me. I'm in a good mood, and using the HTML editor -- because we all know that WYSIWYG is bad for your health -- and I needed to arbitrarily link to myself.

At any rate, I have a problem. My problem is the SENIOR PROM. (My problem is also <font> tags, but I won't get into that right now). At any rate, all of the other girls have some idea of who they're going with; because they are perfectly aware of who their significant other is.

I, on the other hand, do not. I have no boyfriend. No tengo un novio. I'm an antisocial geek. I'm completely uninvolved with the "sump crowd" *(the sump = "the drainage sump resovoir thing, where everyone goes to drink". Therefore, "sump crowd" = "the entire miserable lot of them".)

...SOooo... I need a date to the Senior Prom; and the closest I've gotten is the running joke that I'm going to ask Kat-Cat to the Prom [either one]. It's a joke, not so much because we're both female, but because there is very little chance of Kat-Cat even going to the [Junior] Prom, as she hates dresses.

That leaves me with the option of, as I put it, whoring myself out to the boys in my senior class. Now, when I say I'm "whoring myself out", that means that I have to actually bother to get my ass out of bed in the morning, put on makeup, wear miniskirts, act more feminine, and be less anti-social. In short, I have to be less of an antisocial geek.

I have to act less like myself, basically.

I have the unnerving feeling that there is someone who wants to ask me. He's a friend of Kat-Cat's older-brother... which puts him in my grade. Let's call him... Guitarra. We [Kat-Cat, Guitarra, and myself] were standing around, talking, afterschool, in the Foriegn Language hallway -- a departure from our usual spot of Kat-Cat's locker in the Dead hallway. Anyway, he brought up that he and Marc [Kat-Cat's brother] were talking about me. I think the conversation was supposed to end there; but I inquired as to what was said, Kat-Cat told me that when they [Marc and Guitarra] discussed any girls other than herself, it was usually not PG-13. I persisted, he gave me the age-old "I don't remember" line, before finally asking, "Have you ever seen She's All That?" which lead into, "we'd like to give you a makeover," and "I like your hair, y'know, the way you have it up, like that."

He has, in the past, referred to both Kat-Cat and myself as his "platonic girlfriends", by the way.

But, at any rate, the conversation suddenly jumped to, "Did you really take [---] to the Prom?" -- to which the answer was yes -- but that was merely a segue into a diatribe about how much he disliked the guy I took to the Junior Prom.

Okay, now, I don't really know what to think. Mom says that either he likes me, or he's acting as a 'John Smith' for Marc. So, now I'm officially confused. Anyone who'd like to post a comment, and, y'know, help me out; I'd really appreciate it.


Quote of the Day.

"Wait, wait. You're standing there, in your pajamas, with a ray gun, and I'm the freaky one?!"


y'know what's scary?

 It's senior teacher day -- and that means I'm staring at a guy, dressed in a suit and tie, with a long black wig, lipstick, eye-makeup, and blush, claiming he's Miss So-and-so (the teacher). It's slightly disturbing because he's usually all kinds of "ghetto", and now he's complaining that he's wearing two much blush.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Random Scatter Plot.

Okay. I have afew things to say.

I know I've said a few times that I'd like to try my hand at photoblogging. I never actually said this on HYPHEN-DASH, but, y'know, I have been thinking it. Every time I walk past the Social Studies Department's showcase, with this big display that says "Kerry Wins!". I'll probably be getting myself a digital camcorder, and it'll be interesting to see if I can get one that does still shots as well.

You guys can't say I don't love you. I've got it written and queued-up, and I'm publishing it every friday, with the post time as 3:01 p.m. I have it to the point where the next chapter I'll write will be published on March 18. Although I'm not too sure that there's anyone actually reading SIXTY PERCENT CHANCE OF RAIN. I'll probably set up a SiteMeter for it. I won't set one up for A TREATISE ON INSANITY, because I know there are people reading it; all of Kat-Cat's readers.

I don't know what sort of opinion you've formed, based on this miserable little blog, but, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: I did go to the Junior Prom. Here's another secret: there's going to be a senior prom. I need a dress. And shoes. And I need to make sure I don't look the same as every one else. And I need everyone to stop asking me if I'm going to go with the guy I went to the Junior prom with.

The miserable lot of you don't bother to read HYPHEN-DASH. I know that. I read SiteMeter. Visits of 0 seconds? What is that? Do you realize what you've driven me to do? You've driven me to do HYPHEN-DASH in WYSIWYG. *(cue freaky South Park voice)* -- "Oh my God. They killed HYPHEN-DASH. Those bastards!"


Geeking out. Again.

I played with the sidebar a little... the link-buttons aren't spaced out; now they're one nice chunk.

Also, for anyone who was wondering, today was senior tee-shirt day -- which kinda sucked, because the senior tee-shirt was, shall we say, sub-par.

It's a dark blue, long sleeve tee. The front says "SENIORS" in white, with a gray outline. The left sleeve has the name of the school *(they left out "Memorial". It annoys me when they do that. It's my hang-up. It's "Nowheresville MEMORIAL High School." Alot of people leave out the "Memorial". It annoys me to no end)*. On the back, it has the Gladiator head line art, the name of the villiage *(we're not actually a town we're a villiage; rather than "Nowheresville Memorial H.S.", it's simply "Nowheresville")*, 2005 *(our graduating year)*, and all of our names.

Here's the problem. It's dark blue. On the back, the Gladiator head is white; the NOWHERESVILLE is gray, with a white outline; the 2005 is gray and stretches across the background, while all of our names are white, and tiny.

Anyone whose name falls on the number has a blurry blotch of a name.

My name was at the very bottom of the 2.

But, on the up-side, because my name is completely blurry, rather than half-blurry, or perfectly clear, my class advisor threw, like, 15 shirts at me, to see which one my name was least blurry on. I got the best shirt in the Medium box.

And for anyone who's wondering; the guy with the clothes problem -- let's call him "Three", 'cause I know he's a something-something the Third -- actually had pants today. Not only that, but CreamOfWheat/T-Bagger got his cast off.

On an entirely unrelated note... I know that there's at least one of you reading my blog. SiteMeter says that there's 14 of you... and one of you is actually staying longer than 0 seconds. *(Although it ought to be said that that solitary person only stayed for 19 seconds, I'm making a point.)*.

I know people are actually reading HYPHEN-DASH, so I'm asking you -- almost begging, but not quite -- to post a comment. Say something.

I know I can probably trust Kathryn to do so -- even though I've started calling her Kat-Cat -- but no one else ever says anything!

Say something!


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Again with the Senior Costumes.

First of all, I'll let y'all in on a little secret, and tell you what I was for costume day (yesterday): I was the Key faerie. ("Ki", "Key"... it's a pun.)

I had angel wings, a halo, and red garters, all of which were covered with all manner of keys.

It was freaky.

And the highlight of my costume today (movie day) was the fact that I made a baby Audrey II. *(I don't look good as a blonde. Although the fact the shoes nearly crippled me meant that I toddered the way she Audrey I did in the movie.)* I'll take a picture of it, when I, like, get the digital camera working. It looks pretty good, if I say so myself.

I just have to complain about the past two (or three) days (counting pajama day).

There's this guy I know, who seems to have alot of trouble with clothing. Pants, in particular. On pajama day, he arrived, with a men's cotton robe. The problem arose when he let the robe hang open: he had on a pair of briefs. That was it. Nothing else. They sent him home to put on "real pants" and a shirt. He came back with a wife-beater style undershirt and a pair of boxers (he claimed they were okay because they were over the aforementioned pair of briefs). He folded the shirt to look like a bra.

Then, yesterday, he arrived in a black vest, and black pants, with a black bow tie, and a black g-string thong sticking out of the back of his pants. He came as a male stripper, but the only reason it was approved was because he told the teachers he was supposed to be the Tooth Faerie's groom *(the girl who come as the Tooth Faerie was actually waering a wedding dress, so it was a plausible excuse)*. At some point during the day, he pulled his pants down, and ran around the "Dead Hallway" in only the thong. *("Dead Hallway" = one corridor on the second floor with no classrooms)*. I wasn't there when he did that, but I saw the end of a lewd act in the Senior Lounge *(part of the cafeteria reserved for seniors)* on one of my free periods. And when I say "the end", I mean "the teacher in charge demanding to know what the hell is going on".

Today, he was Tom Cruise from Risky Business. The first time they sent him home, he came back with white Under Armor shorts under the briefs. The second time, he came back with actual trousers.

Then, there's the President of the Student Council. Monday? Well, y'know those lacy pajamas that girls wear, where it's a frilly tank top, and then, cute cropped pants? Yeah. There's only one problem: the President of the Student Council is Male. *(He also didn't bother to shave his legs, but I won't go there.)* He had a nice pajama set, and a terrycloth lady-bug robe, with a matching lady-bug hat. He looked rediculous. On Tuesday, he came as Gollum, from Lord of the Rings. He had a flesh-tone leotard, a brown skirt that he cut to shreds, sandals (so he wasn't barefoot), the Ring on a chain around his neck, and a latex mask. He would crouch in corners, and crawl around on hands and feet -- he had the whole shtick. He scared the @#%$ out o nearly half the school. Today, he was Dorothy, from The Wizard of Oz.

Oh, and remember CreamOfWheat? Well, his nickname (for whatever odd reason) is "T-Bagger". So his costume was a cardboard box, that he painted to resemble a box of Lipton Tea. He carried a box of Lipton Tea Bags with him. They were all over the school. There were at least fifty in the science hallway, because he hit someone in the head with the box; and they were throwing them back and forth in Mass Media. Today, he was Marv from Home Alone. He drew iron marks on his face with a red magic marker. *(I wonder if they'll still be there tomorrow.)*

The scary part is how much he acted like Marv. Although, the crowbar didn't help very much, either.


Quote of the Day

What is the one thing most people don't know about you?

That I watch TeleMundo. I don't speak Spanish, but I add my own dialogue. It's fun. The best show right now is a court show like Judge Judy, but it's in Peru. The judge got in trouble with the Peruvian government, though. So, now, she has to have court in her living room. It's hilarious.


Sunday, February 06, 2005

Link of the whenever I damn well feel like it.

There is no true explanation; it's just an awesome blog.

*(Note: If you're a liberal, or in any way even remotely not-quite-conservative, you probably won't like it.)*

But the Dems actually booed him. The Prez should not have taken that. He should have pulled out a .45, announced, "I like to call this my 'Veto Power'," and then fired at the Democrats, yelling, "I pardon myself!" with each trigger pull. That would have been awesome! If you're going to broadcast the [State of the Union] in HD with 5.1 surround, you at least need some action.


Costumes suck.

The other ideas I ended up with thanks to my friends:
  • Godzilla. My friend said I should build it out of astroturf. Yup, a freaky, mutated lizard, made out of fake grass.

  • Columbia, Rocky Horror. I'm not allowed to do this. Anita said so. She's doing it next year.

  • "that guy from Honey I shrunk the Kids". No thanks. Too easy; no one would get it.

  • Frankenfurter, Rocky Horror. If there's one thing I've learned from the costume shop, it's that some outfits just work better on a guy. A bustier, fishnets, pearls, platform stilletto heels, and an afro, is one such outfit.

  • Audrey II, Little Shop of Horrors. Okay, yeah. I can build the entire plant, as a costume, in, what, four days?

But that gave me my idea: Audrey I. And I carry around a little, baby Audrey II, in a coffee can.


Thursday, February 03, 2005

Quote of the day.

"She burst into the room like a warship wrapped in purple taffeta."


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Senior Costume and Movie day(s)

Okay; monday is pajama day; tuesday is costume day; wednesday is movie day; thursday is tee-shirt day.


I know what I'm doing for costume day. I'm not going to tell you, though, 'cause it's a secret. Maybe I'll post a picture. Or something.

My problem is Movie Day. I know I talked about this before, but I need your help again.

  • Janet Lee, Psycho. There is absolutely no way I can get this one past the principal and advisors. A shower curtain, and fake blood. Yeah, that'll go over real well.

  • Frank, Donnie Darko. For the record, I've never actually seen this film. But a close friend of mine told me, "Oh, you should go as the Bunny from Donnie Darko!". Problem: Not enough time to pull it off. It's next wednesday.

  • Dalek, Dr. Who. This one was my greatest idea. The hardest part was the garbage can; but mom says she's putting her foot down, and I can't spend that much on a garbage can for a costume. ("Why can't you just make it out of tinfoil?")

  • Marie Antoinette, (any film that has ever involved the French Revolution). Beleive it or not, I have the dress. But no one will know who I am unless I'm headless (impossible for me to do, on my budget, in six days) or I have a scar across my throat -- and I'm allergic to all those wonderful make-up products that would give me that effect.

  • Plan B: Make up a freaky, anime-style character, and a Japanese title, for the "manga" that she's supposedly from. Y'know, like, her name is, like, Akisu, and the title would be... I dunno. I'd make something up.

So, that's what I'm stuck with.

Please give me ideas. Plz.
