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Tuesday, May 31, 2005


To be honest, I don't know what this is...

Monday, May 30, 2005

More in the myspace saga!

Okay, well, first off, I was talking with two of my friends at lunch, (both of whom are also myspace friends), who told me that they had commented on my myspace (still sounds awkward), and how it was rude of my to not comment back.

We've decided that simply saying "my space" instead of "my myspace" makes you sound like a stoned California surfer.

Don't ask.

At any rate, I left this, on the myspace of an extremely white, Jewish girl:
Nice. Real nice.

You're such a wigger, yo. You put all those other mad ghetto peeps in our school to shame.

Fo' sheezy.

She tells me, simply, "hey i learned from the master", like it's y'know, my fault, or something.



myspace is insane!!!

No, no no. I'm serious.

See, you invite your friends, and you just create a network of friends... and then, you comment on each other's myspaces.

You can also invite people without myspaces, thus inviting them to create them.

So, I invited Kathryn. I figured, "Hey, what the hell."

And, she actually got one. (The only two comments there are both from me, one claiming, "Hells yeah! w00t! I got Kathryn to jump on a bandwagon!", and the other bitching about the fact that she hadn't done anything with it yet.)

So, she's listed in the little box on mine labelled "friends".

And another friend of mine declares, in the comments section, "OMG is that kathryn kathryn? KATHRYN GENESIS!?!!"

Another blurts out, "omg first u get kathryn to actually go somewhere and then u get her to get a myspace! ki u rock! lol :-D"

So then, I decide, I'm going to leave a comment on my myspace. (That still sounds awkward.) So, I click on "Add Comment", and it tells me, "Error: You must be someone's friend to make comments about them."

I click Add Friend, and I get, "Confirm Add Friend: You cannot add yourself as a friend."

Yup. That's right. I can't be my own friend.

So I posted I rather important bulletin (like an open-ended email) entitled "SUPER IMPORTANT OMG ANSWER!!!!!!!" (only because that stands out from the short titles, like "whoa", "new pix", and "beer".)
How come I can't comment on my own myspace? It says I have to be a friend, but then, it says I can't be my own friend.

Ki isn't friends with me. ; (


So, that's when Kathryn -- calling herself "The Kat-Cat" -- wrote this:
Well, that's just something you've got to talk to Ki about now, right? Now, I know from experience - Ki is quite picky about who she's friends with. So take care not to insult her!

...Or bore her. Whichever comes first.


Sunday, May 29, 2005

Here's your Blogiversary present. Deal.


Saturday, May 28, 2005

I'm a moron. Like, seriously.

Okay. Guess what May 21 was? It was my Blogiversary.

I completely missed it.


And it didn't occur to me until, like, an hour ago.

I realized that Memorial day was coming up, and I thought, "Oh, well, if I bitch about Decoration Day, I can bitch about the fact that no one answered me last year."

The thought directly after that was, "Aww, crap, I had a post for that last year... I missed the blogiversary! May 21! What's today?"

And, as you can clearly see, today's the 28th.

Not only that, but I had big plans for the hyphen-dash blogiversary. I was going to create a Mascot. Yep. I had been planning that out since February. But, in the immortal words of Douglas Adams, "I like deadlines. I love the whooshing sound as they fly by."


Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Absolute, utter scandal!

I told you about the Mass Media project, right? Where we make movies, right?

Okay... well, I went and made my freaky artsy movie with 'Rupo. Big deal.

Now, our teacher made a set of rules, that we had to follow. No drugs. No cigarettes (we broke that one). No cursing. No alcohol. No inappropriate dress.

He then showed us a series of films -- student films -- that broke all of those rules.

Do as I say, not as I do...

So, the brightlights in my class decide to push the envelope. They make a big fuss about their film -- it's called Not another Mass Media Movie. We've all known about it. They finally showed it, second period today.

Our teacher, declared, afterward, "y'know, it's genious, but, I can't allow you to show it to anyone else."

It's been banned.

It's the only movie to be banned --aside from Attack of the Sump Monster, which begins with the main characters getting high with a bong, and then chasing down a monster that lives in the local drainage-resevoir/underage-drinking-spot (which, mind you, is town property, and just jumping the fence is a misdemeanor). That movie is about four years old.

So, the brightlights in my class decide that they're going to now sell illicit copies, so that people can still see their movie -- just, y'know, not in school. They're $2.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that's bought one.


Monday, May 23, 2005

"MySpace is a Place for Stalkers."

Okay. Now, I've seen a few handmade buttons -- the kind where you write something on a circular scrap of paper, and then press it into a plastic thing, with the metal backing behind it.

And they said, "MySpace is a Place for Stalkers."

On the other hand, I'd also heard alot of people talking about their "myspace".
"Yeah, did you see Tom's MySpace?"

Now, of course, when you here it spoken like that, it makes no sense.

None at all.

So, I figured I'd check it out.

I signed up for a myspace account -- with no intent of starting a webpage, mind you. I just wanted to see what everyone else was doing. To "stalk", if you will.

It was for this reason that I have four separate AIM screen names.

Unfortunately, it kept prompting me to make a little page. It was annoying.

I had no choice.

I figured, "yeah, okay. www.myspace.com/ki would be good," because, y'know, it's my first name. That wouldn't be taken or anything.

Little did I know, that there was a band in New Mexico named Ki.

I'm not going to give you the URL, because there's nothing there. The "myspace blog" is just a rehashing of Quote of the Day, but without the <font> tags.


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Quote of the Day

Because it's just overdue...

"The government taxes my heroin profits."

From a color-blind person, to his prom date: "How am I supposed to match 'teal', anyway? Why'd you pick a color I can't see?"

"Do teachers have 'tenyer cut day'?"

"He plays the gayest gay person ever."

"What?! Did you just ask me if I put cheese or mustard in my floppy drive?"

"She has a navel ring."
"I didn't know she was in the navy!"



Okay. Having said that...

Now that I've actually finished Niemanden Träum, it really isn't that bad.

Of course, we all know I would have much rather done the thing about the gang-war between the Pirates and the Ninjas in a post-apocalyptic Orwellian future.

That would have been so cool.

Lightsabers, Katanas, lots and lots of tin foil, hats with feathers... and we could actually use those six industrial sewing machines in the garage as props. Don't ask me why I have six industrial sewing machines in my garage.

Anyway, I might be writing a story about the gang-war between the Pirates and the Ninjas in a post-apocalyptic Orwellian future.

There again, I may not.

I decided, because I needed a break from Niemanden Träum, to make a second movie for Mass Media: it's called A Day in the Life of Django.

And it's Django doing nothing for 15 minutes. Followed by credits. (Well, I mean, there is that one part where he tries to wrestle with Boo, and then there's the mouse... but I don't want to spoil the ending.)


Friday, May 20, 2005

I only have one friend right now...

And that's the 58 ounce mega fun box of Goldfish®.

No, no. I'm serious.

Guess what I don't want to be doing right now.

The answer is loading footage into iMovie. Again.

I seriously hate this movie. I'm handing in a seperate movie; I'm just going to follow the cat around for an hour. I'll take the good parts.

It'll be In the life of Django.


F#$% me in the head with an icepick.

Today is not the day to bother me.

First off, Niemander Träum sucks. It is, as Kathryn -- I gave up on "Kat-Cat" -- insists, "one of those cool Artistic crap movies".


Also, Sixty Percent Chance of Rain is slightly revamped. And has a cool villain with anger issues and a Zippo.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I'm glad I've never had a boyfriend.

No, no. I'm serious.

I have enough issues on my own.

Right now, I'm in a love-hate Relationship with iMovie HD.

Y'see, here in New York, you're required to take four years of High School English -- grades nine through 12. But, what we do here in Nowheresville is kinda cool.

During your senior year, you only get a half-year of "English" (unless you're in A.P.), but then, you take a half-year elective.

The most popular is called "Mass Media".

Everyone always says it's "like the rest of English, but with Movies, instead of books. And they do, like, advertisements, and stuff."

Well, I don't know if that's true or not, because we're the "advanced" class. The "College Credit" class. The class that doesn't actually do any work.

At any rate, the final project -- the "exam", if you will -- is a film. A short film, or music video, or something. Our teacher gave us a whole list of the stuff we could do.

And, he showed us the list of the awards that we stood the chance of winning.

So, now, like I said, I'm in a love-hate relationship -- it's really more of a love-hate triangle, between myself, iMovie HD, and my friend 'Rupo, my partner. We decided, in our moment of brilliance, to make one of those amzingly-off-the-wall-possibly-drug-induced-artistic-films-that-no-one-understands.

It's called Niemanden Träum.

It's due monday.

And, as it is right now, it does actually stand an excellent chance of winning an award: Worst Video.


Monday, May 16, 2005


I just like this picture. It's cool. And you'd never know that it's between two houses here in Nowheresville.


Quote of the Day

"You think he gets mad?"
"Well, he's been dead for twenty years."


Sunday, May 15, 2005

They're back!

This one's going to seem trivial.

Okay. When I was little, the bank down the street was NatWest -- a contraction of "National Westminster".

Now, the really nice lady at the drive up window always saw me in the back seat, and she would always give me a lollipop. And it was never anything major, it was one of the cheap flat lollipops that they can afford to give away for free.

No big deal.

Okay. Fine.

So then, my first lesson in corporate mergers and aquisitions takes place: Fleet takes over NatWest.

What does this mean to me?

First off, Fleet closes the drive-up window. No big deal. The really nice lady is now a regular teller.

The problem is, Fleet's regular teller's didn't give out lollipops.

Okay, skip to last year.

Bank of America takes over Fleet.

The drive through is still closed.

The only teller that remains, from Fleet, is the nice one, who used to give me lollipops, when it was NatWest.

Okay, so, yesterday, mom decides she has to do so extravagant banking procedure, that actually requires her to be present.

The nice NatWest teller helps her, and then, says, out of nowhere, "I know you're probably a little old for it, but would you like a lollipop?"

And she gave me one!

How cool is that?


Friday, May 13, 2005

Quote of the Day

This one requires some explanation.

Okay. This week was "Tolerance Week". So, yesterday and today, there were a whole slew of people wearing "Tolerance Today!" tee-shirts.

This morning, there was a fire drill.

An actual conversation:
Random Idiot:"Look at me, look at me, I'm a fucking bastard!"
Tolerant tee-shirt Idiot punches Random Idiot in the Chest.
Tolerant tee-shirt Idiot: "Yo, I'm not tolerant of fucking retards."


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Yeah, I'm back. Linky-linky.

Yeah. I'm tired.

So... here.

It's called Acts of Gord.

Have fun.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Quote of the Day

"That's not fair! You're discriminating against me, 'cause you think I'm not cool!"

Quote of the Day

"Mrs. [...], you gotta be more careful in the parking lot. You almost killed, like, four little kids this morning."

Monday, May 09, 2005


Look! It's Django!


New Physics field discovered by Advanced Physics Class

I love it when Kat-Cat sends me wierd shit.

On Thursday, May 5, 2005, Period 9 of Mr. [...]'s Advanced Physics class became embroiled in a hot and thrilling debate. Raised by a single curious question, it soon enveloped a good part of the class who actually had something to contribute to the conversation (who were not also laughing). The result was the Period 9's Physics of Cereal. You know how when you start finishing a bowl of cereal, what's remaining starts to group together instead of being distributed like it was before? The question asked was, why does this occur, and how? Many theories were offered, including a great many big words and chemistry applications involving positive-negative charges, polarity, and the questioned importance of sugar and sodium in this. [...], who brought this up, and was offered much of the data, was an active participant. Some of his points include:
  • Rice Krispies always gather in even-numbered colonies. In groups of 8,10,12, or 14.
  • Cheerios, if the same size, will come together in groups of 6. If not, then 7.
As of yet, the question still remains and the field open. Mr. [...], a noted physics teacher and actual lawyer, had a hard time extricating the class from this fascinating discussion to go back to the original topic: nuclear force, otherwise known as "love".


Sunday, May 08, 2005


I bet you'd like to know who these freaky people are, huh?

The one on the right is Johann...
this one on the left is Wolfgang...

The one on the left in Lutwig... and this one on the right is Dave.


Quote of the Day

"I don't mean China, I mean the countries Chinese people come from."


Saturday, May 07, 2005


Oh, and, while we're on the subject, Chet has issues with cigarettes and lawn decorations.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Link of the whenever I damn well feel like it.

This isn't just a regular link. This one isn't going to just get filed in with the others.

No. This one is special.

This one is my brother's blog.

I even prepared something to say, just for this occaision:

Actually, there's a second link, because I promised DragonCelt -- my bro' -- that I'd put this up for him.

This is misinformer.com, a freaky humor site that hasn't been updated in over a year. But it's archives have been saved for posterity.

DragonCelt: click... right... here. That's the thing I told you about.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Quote of the Day

"Why do you have a fork in your back pocket?"
"...So that's where it went!"

You can't make stuff like this up.

A. P. Statistics Exam = Tomorrow.



Monday, May 02, 2005

Hi. I'm back.

As some of you may have figured out by now, I'm very easily entertained.

Mac OS X Tiger has this really cool new feature called "widgets". Of course, I sat, and set up my side, with my own widgets. I have the weather for the week, for both New York and Baltimore, and a calender, and the time, and stickies -- I'll get to them later -- and iTunes, and the Hula dancer.

Yes, the Hula dancer. She dances.

At any rate: Stickies. Some of you don't know what that is.

I'll tell you.

"Stickies" is a small application that comes with the system, that acts as a Post-It Note® for you to use on your computer.

Now, you have to realize something. I've always had a Mac. The first time I was every truly aware of Macintosh as an operating system, (as opposed to, say, Windows), was when mom decided to upgrade from Mac seven-point-whatever to OS 8. That was a big deal. Oooooh. Wow.

On a "classic" Mac -- everything before OS X (up to 9.2.2) -- Stickies was easy to find. You click on the Apple menu, drag it down to something else -- I don't remember at this point, but it doesn't matter -- and it was right there. Along with calulator. And Key Caps (which told you where all of the funky symbols and tildes and accents and umlauts were on the keyboard). And this is back when they gave you the jigsaw puzzle.

But, in OS X, Stickies was just another application.

I mean, you might as well get a real Post-It Note® and stick it to you monitor.

But now, with Tiger, Stickies has been vindicated.

Y'know, I'll bet it was a heinous plot between the 3M corporation and Apple. But then, shortly before Tiger came out, the developers at Apple revolted against the evil tyranny of 3M.

And they returned Stickies to its rightful prominence.


Quote of the Day

By the way, I was too busy to comment on any blog-thingoids. Praise be to Rice-O-Roni.



Sunday, May 01, 2005

Mac OS X Tiger (10.4)

...and that would be the reason I haven't posted.

"Oh, it's amazing. Now if only we could get it to print."

It took awhile *cough*19hours*cough* to index for spotlight -- I don't know what that means -- but, hey, now, it's, like, awesome.

Except the printer drivers don't work.

